The Ombuds Office

You are encouraged to contact the Ombudsperson if...

  • You have a concern about any aspect of your academic life, work life, or student life at the College.
  • You are unsure about the policies, rights, procedures, and responsibilities that apply to your situation. The Ombudsperson may be able to provide confidential guidance and support.
  • You need a sounding board to help you generate options and/or solutions to an issue or a challenge you face.
  • You feel that your studies, interpersonal relationships, or work life, have been adversely affected by the conduct or behavior of another person and you would like help in resolving this issue or these circumstances.
  • You need someone to facilitate communication between yourself and another member of the College community.

The Ombuds person will do her utmost to help.

How do I contact the Ombudsperson?

There are two ways for you to contact Hood's Ombuds Office:

  1. Confidential Telephone: Please call 301-696-3295, Monday through Friday, and leave a message (the call may go directly to voice mail); the Ombudsperson checks the voicemail at least daily, and she will call you back.
  2. Email: You may send email at any time, but please allow up to 24 hours for a response.