Class of 2022 Profile

Congratulations to the Class of 2022!
On to the Next Adventure!
Graduation Year
Hood College is proud of a truly unique group. Allow us to brag about these amazing students, who were honored during our 125th Commencement ceremony.
You are comprised of 223 undergraduates and 207 graduate students.
You are a diverse group, hailing from 23 different states and 14 countries.
32 of you are legacies, some with multiple relatives who attended Hood stretching back decades. Business administration major Emily Griffin’s great-grandmother was a member of the Class of 1914—the same year Alumnae Hall was dedicated!
39 of you earned both an undergraduate and graduate degree from Hood. Michael Dillman earned his third Hood degree, a doctorate of organizational leadership!
11 of you are Hood employees, including one of our newest hires, Santana Velasquez, who has accepted a role as an admission counselor.
And let us not forget the obstacles you have all overcome by finishing your degrees during a global pandemic. You pivoted back and forth between different modes of learning. You were distanced from your peers, faculty and campus. You persevered through all the uncertainty and anxiety. You navigated these challenges with maturity and strength that serves as an inspiration to us all.
As you embark on the next adventure—whether it’s a new career, more school or some well-deserved time off—we know you will go far and be successful in whatever you choose to pursue. No matter what you do or where you go, you will always be a Hood alum.
In the words of President Andrea Chapdelaine, “Do well and do good, but most of all, be happy.”
Are you ready to say Hello?
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