NeighborHOOD Partners

PLEASE NOTE: Completed NeighborHOOD forms MUST be received in PDF format no later than the current semester's registration add/drop deadline. Late applications and JPEGs will not be accepted.

The NeighborHOOD Partners Program provides the following benefits to full-time employees of partner organizations, their spouses and their dependents*:

  • Tuition discount for degree-seeking students in graduate and undergraduate programs.
  • Annual tuition discount of up to $15,000 for undergraduate and up to $1,000 for graduate students. For graduate students, this means up to $500 tuition discount available in the fall, and up to $500 tuition discount available in the spring.
  • Students must be enrolled for both fall and spring semesters. Undergraduates must be full-time.
  • Undergraduate students who also qualify for academic merit scholarships will receive the larger of the awards (merit scholarship or NeighborHOOD Partners discount) but not both.
  • The graduate discount is not available for the doctoral program.
  • The discount is not stackable with any other institutional scholarships or awards. It may be received in combination with need-based financial aid.
  • For students with employer-funded educational benefits, the discount is "last dollar in" with the total received not to exceed the tuition charged.
  • Employee eligibility must be verified by the partner's HR office each semester the student is enrolled.
  • Additional fees (i.e. semester comprehensive fees) are included in the Neighborhood agreement.

* Available to employees once they have exceeded their employer's annual education benefits. For purpose of this partnership, a dependent child is one who will be claimed by the employee as an income tax exemption in each of the years in the partnership.

For graduate NeighborHOOD eligibility questions, email, for undergraduate NeighborHOOD eligibility questions, email

Individuals working with our partners listed below should download and complete the relevant employment verification form below to take advantage of the NeighborHOOD program. 

PLEASE NOTE: Completed NeighborHOOD forms MUST be received in PDF format no later than the current semester's registration add/drop deadline. Late applications and JPEGS will not be accepted.The completed form must be signed and dated by the applicant's employer HR office to certify eligibility. For graduate NeighborHOOD form questions, email, for undergraduate NeighborHOOD form questions, email

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