Shannon Kundey

- Undergraduate Faculty
- Graduate Faculty
Professor of Psychology, Department Chair
Co-Director, Hood Honors Program
Psychology (Tatem 325 or Zoom): Tuesday 1-2, Wednesday 3-4, Thursday 1-2
Honors (Honors Suite or Zoom): Tuesday 2-3, Thursday 9:30-10:30
Can't make those times? No problem! Email me to schedule a time that works for you.
Have you ever wondered what your pet cat or dog thinks about or wondered how an ant finds its way back to its nest? As a college student, I certainly did. As a member of Hood’s psychology and counseling department, I explore similarities and differences in how human and nonhuman animals think and interact with the world around them. Currently, my lab explores cognition in humans, dogs and salamanders. Students in my lab have opportunities to help us find new information about how humans are similar to and different from other animals.
- Ph.D., Kent State University, Experimental Psychology, 2008
- M.Phil., M.S., Yale University, Psychology, 2004, 2003
- B.A., Wesleyan College, Psychology and Chemistry, 2001
Professional Highlights
Selected Papers and Blog Posts
- Rowan, J. D., Kundey, S. M. A., Boettger, Tong, H., & Bajracharya, A. Strain Differences in Learning of Alternation Patterns between B6 and CF1 Mice. (2021). Learning & Motivation, 76. doi:
- Kundey, S. M. A. (2021). Use of Features and Geometry in Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius). Behavioural Processes, 188. doi: 10.1016/j.beproc.2021.104412.
- Kundey, S. M. A. (2019). Effects of Picture Valence on Serial Pattern Learning Performance in Humans. Learning & Motivation, 66, 13-21.
- Kundey, S. M. A., Lessard, A., Fitz, A., & Panwar, M. (2018). Tiger Salamanders’ (Ambystoma tigrinum) Response Retention and Usage of Visual Cues Following Brumation. Behavioural Processes, 157,502-508.
- Kundey, S. M. A., Delise, J., De Los Reyes, A., Ford, K., Starnes, B., & Dennen, W. (2014). Domestic dogs’ (Canis familiaris) choices in reference to information provided by human and artificial hands. Animal Cognition, 17, 259-266.
- Kundey, S. M. A. (December 4, 2018). Sit. Heel. Stay. Come. Help? Exploring the curious relationship with human’s best friend. Invited blog post for the Psychonomic Society’s canine cognition digital event.
Comparative Cognition Laboratory
The Comparative Cognition Laboratory is always looking for new members! From studying how humans learn patterns to how salamanders get from one place to another, we're interested in all things animal cognition. Typically, students commit to spending at least three hours in the lab per week. Students help with animal care and run experiments. Depending on your contribution, commitment, and availability, course credit and/or authorship credit on papers and presentations is possible. To determine if the lab is a good fit for you and to get started, email
Hood Galapagos Trip 2018
Read highlights of our trip to the Galapagos in 2018:
Swimming with Sea Lions and Discovering Darwin: Hood College Galapagos Trip 2018
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