10 Packing Hacks and Tips for Conquering College Move-In Day

Pack a first night bag. Pajamas, clothes for the next day, toiletries, etc. Accept the fact that you might not do all your unpacking on night one, and you won’t want to be digging through every bag just to find your toothbrush!

Pack inside anything that you can. Fill up your laundry bin, trash can and even the mini fridge. You have to carry them in anyway, so you might as well fill the space with any odds and ends. Just make sure it’s not too heavy to carry!

Remove bulky packaging. Whether it’s a microwave box or school supplies packaging, you’re going to get rid of it anyway, so do it ahead of time to save some space.

Leave your clothes on hangers. No need to spend time folding and packing only to unpack and hang them back up later. Just poke a hole in a trash bag and pull the hangers through, and they’ll be ready for your new closet.

Tape things shut. Drawers, storage containers, and don’t forget the mini fridge door! Ensure everything makes it to your room in one piece and nothing ends up scattered in the parking lot.

Wrap breakables in towels. Better safe than sorry! You have to bring towels anyway, so don’t bother with bubble wrap or paper you’ll just have to throw out.

Label and check your list twice. It takes about two seconds and is sure to save you time and headaches in the long run. Mark or tag every bag and box with what’s inside so you can quickly run through your list.

Know where to go if you forgot something. If you forget something, never fear! You’ve got Target, Walmart and Bed Bath & Beyond all at less than a 12 minute’s drive from campus. Safeway and CVS are just a walk across the street. If you don’t have a car on campus, no problem! There’s plenty of shopping within walking distance.

Think teamwork! Use the Welcome Team! Hood volunteers are excited to meet you and ready to help. President Chapdelaine and her family included! If you see her make sure you get a #SnapWithChap.

Relax! You’ll have earned it! Enjoy setting up your new space and getting settled in. Make sure you take some breaks from unpacking to say hello to your hallmates and explore campus.


  • Undergraduate
  • Undergraduate student

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