Carol Jim, Ph.D., Discusses Cybersecurity & Recent Cotton Cyber Lecture

Carol Jim, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Computer Science & Information Technology at Hood College, discusses the recent Cotton Cyber Lecture and Hood's Cybersecurity program.
Carol Jim, Ph.D., Computer Science & Information Technology
- Cybersecurity (M.S., Certificate)
- Computer Science (M.S.)
- Information Technology (M.S.)
- Computer Science & Information Technology
Can you provide a quick bio including some background on your educational career?
My name is Carol Jim. I earned a B.A. in Mathematics and an M.S. in Computer Science, both from Hood College. I continued my education earning a Ph.D. in Computer Science from George Washington University. Currently, I am an Assistant Professor at Hood College in the department of Computer Science & Information Technology.
Can you tell me about the John C. and Janet Hobbs Cotton ’59 Cybersecurity Lecture Series?
Janet Hobbs Cotton ’59 and her husband, John Cotton, have given the new M.S. program in Cybersecurity at Hood College a generous gift by establishing the Cotton Cyber Lecture Series. This lecture series brings nationally and internationally recognized leaders in cybersecurity to campus to speak about the current cybersecurity issues that our society faces. Recent speakers have included Hector Monsegur, Ronald S. Ross, and General Keith Alexander.
Is there anything about the recent Cotton Cyber lecture that you would like to share?
The guest speaker, Hector Monsegur, is an interesting character who provided fascinating anecdotes about his life and insights into the mindset of a hacker. One thing that sticks out to me during his talk is his push to motivate students to enter the cyber field and learn as much as they can. Students interested in cybersecurity should find their niche and what they are passionate about in the field to be successful. He also mentioned that persistence is key. People looking to enter the field should be prepared to sit in front of a computer for twelve hours a day at times, but as long as they are persistent and have the drive for finding solutions to problems, it will all be worthwhile in the end. Since the U.S. is lacking in qualified cyber professionals and there is high demand for them, this is a great time to enter the field.
What is the main purpose of the Cyber Pipeline, and how does it help students?
The Cyber Pipeline is an articulation agreement between Frederick Community College, Mount St. Mary’s, and Hood College to provide a single, unified degree pathway into the cybersecurity field. This articulation agreement is the first of its kind in the U.S. and puts the needs of the student first to ensure a seamless transition for three degrees on one career path. The cybersecurity associate degree at FCC will offer courses that transfer to the Mount toward a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity. In turn, the cybersecurity curriculum at the Mount will transfer toward a master’s degree in Cybersecurity at Hood College. This agreement will provide students with a contemporary, rigorous, and relevant education in the cybersecurity field that fully aligns with National Security Agency accreditation standards. In addition, the three schools will host a series of collaborative events and activities to enhance the student learning experience and to provide networking opportunities.
Any relevant or interesting information that you would like to share about the Cybersecurity program at Hood College?
The Master of Science in Cybersecurity at Hood College is designed for both technical and non-technical students with a bachelor’s degree. The courses in the program incorporate both theoretical aspects and hands-on and experiential learning opportunities. The program is designed to allow for partnerships with local technology companies and government organizations. Related to the Cybersecurity program is Hood’s own hacking team called the Cyber Blazers. The Cyber Blazers meet regularly for practice and compete in several cyber and ethical hacking competitions each semester. The team is open to all undergraduate and graduate students in all disciplines. Please contact me at if you are interested. No experience is necessary!
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