Internship Information
An internship is an opportunity to complement an academic program with experiential learning in a professional setting.
Every internship is different and will provide unique experiences for each student.
To begin the process of exploring your internship opportunities, contact Emily Cronise, Assistant Director of Career Development and Experiential Learning, at (301) 696-3583 or via email at cronise@hood.edu.
Many federal departments and agencies have internship programs. We have attempted to list some of them below.
Scholarships & Fellowships
Informational Sites on Federal Government Internships
Agriculture, Interior and the Environment
Business, Commerce & Finance
Defense & Intelligence
Justice, Law Enforcement & the Courts
State Department & International Relations
Other Federal Internship Sites
Syllabus: Students will complete a learning agreement with their faculty and site supervisors that defines the internship's learning objectives and strategies to be used to achieve these goals. In addition to this, individual academic areas may carry specific requirements outlined in a syllabus or related documents.
Grades: All internships are graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Whether a student satisfactorily completes an internship is to be determined by the faculty internship adviser. The criteria for what constitutes a passing grade should be clearly defined in the learning agreement. In cases of a grade dispute, the learning agreement will serve as the authoritative document.
Time Commitment: Internships are also different from a traditional class in the time commitment required of a student. A student must work 40 hours at a site for each credit earned. Travel time and working on papers or projects assigned by your faculty internship adviser are not part of time worked. As an intern, you cannot accrue time for holidays, sickness or vacation. All absences from the internship site must be approved by the on-site supervisor. Requirements vary by major, confirm the number of allowable credits you may earn with your faculty advisor or a career center staff member.
Credits - Hours/Semester
- 3 = 120
- 6 = 240
- 9 = 360
- 12 = 480
- 15 = 600
Travel: It is the responsibility of the student to arrange and pay for transportation to and from the internship site. The student should carefully consider transportation costs and travel time before committing to a particular internship site.
Supplemental Expenses: In fulfilling the expectations of the internships, the intern may incur expenses in addition to Hood's tuition and fees. These expenses are the exclusive responsibility of the student.
- Prepare ahead of time for your new internship position. Develop a transportation plan and select or obtain appropriate business attire for the site. Also, spend some time thinking about what your goals are for the internship and what you want to get out of the experience.
- Develop a work schedule and stick to it. Before starting your internship, review your availability and develop a firm work schedule for your site. Talk to your internship site supervisor about this schedule and, once confirmed, adhere to this schedule. Professional behavior involves being a reliable intern who arrives on time each and every day. If for some reason you are unable to go to your internship on an assigned day, communicate this to your supervisor as far in advance as possible and always make up any work you missed in a timely manner.
- Act like a professional. Turn your cell phone off, don't surf the web, don't chew gum, wear appropriate attire, shake hands, and stand up straight and all of those other things your mother taught you! For help with professional etiquette, check the Career Center's selection of books on the topic.
- Show initiative. Don't just wait for someone to find you and give you a project. Show interest in the organization and its inner workings. Ask for assignments and do them with a smile. Request opportunities to attend meetings and programs. Ask questions if you don't understand something. Your internship is a fantastic learning opportunity - make the most of it!
- Meet with your internship supervisor regularly. Schedule weekly meetings and make sure to be prepared for them! Write down questions ahead of time and be ready to provide updates on any projects you are working on.
- Review the goals established as part of the internship learning agreement that you signed. Keep these in mind as you go about your daily projects at your site.
- Communicate regularly with your faculty internship advisor. Let her/him know what projects you are working on, what new things you are learning, and how your experience relates to your classroom knowledge of the field.
- Get to know your coworkers and fellow interns. Introduce yourself, ask about their roles within the organization, and learn about the duties associated with their positions.
- Send a thank you note to your site. It takes time and effort to sponsor an intern. Make sure to express your appreciation!
Step 1: The Application
Visit the Career Center to pick up your internship packet and receive an overview of your responsibilities.
General Criteria:
- You must have at least a 2.5 GPA in the internship discipline and a 2.0 GPA overall
- Completion of nine credits or three courses at the 200-level or above at Hood in the field in which you wish to intern
Signatures Needed:
- Career Center
- Designated faculty adviser
- Department chair
International students must obtain the signature of the international student adviser.
Step 2: The Student Learning Agreement (Sample Only)
Once you have completed Part A, Part B requires information about the site you have chosen. Be sure to include an email address for the person who will be supervising you at the site.
Parts C, D and E should be completed by you and your faculty adviser.
Signatures Needed:
- Designated faculty adviser
- Student
- On-site supervisor
Step 3: Student Waiver Form (Sample Only)
- Student signature needed
Step 4: Final Check:
You must meet with a staff member of the Career Center to complete your paperwork, receive a final review to make sure all steps have been completed appropriately, and get a final signature. Failure to do this may result in your inability to receive the academic credit you are seeking. Check Handshake to make an appointment, call (301) 696-3583, email careers@hood.edu, or stop by the Career Center on the second floor of the Apple Building.
You must bring your completed paperwork to the Career Center:
- Application
- Student learning agreement
- Student waiver form
Step 5: Registration
The career center will sign the bottom of the application.
You must take the yellow copy of the application to the registrar’s office.
Step 6: Time Sheet
- You are required to complete 40 hours per credit earned.
- Timesheets are due to the career center on the last day of classes.
Signatures Needed Are:
- On-site supervisor
- Student
Tuition and Fees: Students doing an internship must pay the requisite tuition and fees just like any other course taken for academic credit.
Duration/Schedule: Students may perform an internship during any of Hood’s academic terms. Fall and spring internships must be performed between the first day of classes and the last day of finals.
Summer internships may start the day after the last day of the spring classes and must end before the start of fall classes. If a site requests that a student work a schedule that does not fit these constraints, the faculty internship adviser must approve the variation.
Retroactive Internships: Academic credit for internships may never be earned retroactively. In order to earn credit, students must obtain approval from the College prior to beginning an internship.
Number of Credits: Hood internships are offered in three-credit increments from three to 15 credits. The number of credits that a student can earn is limited by the field of study, the semester and the number of self-directed study credits already earned.
Internship Discipline Limitations: Academic departments vary in the number of credits that they will allow a student to earn at one time. The table below lists the credit options for each internship discipline.
ART | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
BIOL | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | n/a |
CAMG | 3 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
CHEM | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | n/a |
CJ | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
CMA | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
CS | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
ECON | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
EDUC | 3 | 6 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
ENGL | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
ENSP | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
FREN | 3 | 6 | 9 | n/a | n/a |
GER | 3 | 6 | 9 | n/a | n/a |
GLBS | 3 | 6 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
HIST | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
LWSC | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
MGMT | 3 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
MEST | 3 | 6 | 9 | n/a | n/a |
MUSC | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | n/a |
MATH | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
PHIL | 3 | 6 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
PSCI | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
PSY | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | n/a |
REL | 3 | 6 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
SOC | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 |
SPAN | 3 | 6 | 9 | n/a | n/a |
WMST | 3 | 6 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
INT | 3 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Semester Limitations: During the summer, internships may be taken for a maximum of 12 credits.
Self-Directed Study Limitations: Students may not take more than 27 self-directed study credits throughout their academic career; self-directed study credits in the major may not exceed 18.
Total Program: Internships: maximum of 15 credits. Independent study: maximum of 12 credits.
Major Program: Internships: maximum of 15 credits. Independent study: maximum of 12 credits, or 1/4 of the major field, whichever is less.
To register for an internship, students must complete three forms. All of these materials may be picked up in the Center for Career Development. All three forms must be completed and returned before the last day of the add/drop period.
Internship Paperwork
- Application for Internship -- records that a student is academically qualified to perform an internship. See Section III-C regarding Hood qualifications.
- Learning Agreement -- details the responsibilities of all the parties involved in the internship, including the on-site supervisor, the faculty internship adviser and, of course, the student. It reflects the student's goals for the internship, the outcomes expected and the requirements set by the faculty internship adviser. It is to the benefit of all parties that the agreement be as explicit in detail as possible. All three parties must sign the completed agreement.
- Student Indemnity waiver -- is a legal requirement of the College for all students wishing to do an internship.
Multiple/Successive Internships: Students are permitted to do more than one internship in a given semester provided the self-study limitation is not exceeded. One complete set of internship paperwork must be completed for each internship site.
Successive Internships: Students who wish to enroll for an internship across successive semesters may do so provided the self-study credit limitation is not exceeded. One complete set of internship paperwork must be completed for each semester.
Signatures: The application for internship and student learning agreement each require the written approval of many different people. Students are advised to consider the amount of time it will take to garner the appropriate signatures and reminded that all paperwork must be received by the Center for Career Development by no later than the last day of the add/drop period. To facilitate the application process, the Center for Career Development will accept faxed forms with signatures.
College-Wide Standards: To be eligible to complete an internship, the following College-wide requirements must be met:
- Enrollment as a degree candidate at Hood College
- 2.0 cumulative grade point average
- 2.5 grade point average in the field in which the student wishes to intern
- Completion of 9 credits or three courses at the 200-level or above at Hood in the field in which the student wishes to intern
- If a student is applying for a 3- to 9-credit internship, 45 college-level credits must be completed prior to the start of the internship.
- If a student is applying for a 12- or 15-credit internship, 75 college-level credits must be earned before an internship can start.
Departmental Approval: Academic departments may have different requirements for doing an internship. Review the latest Hood College course catalog for details regarding internships in each field and speak to a faculty internship adviser for clarification.
International Students: All international students who wish to do an internship must meet with the director of multicultural affairs to discuss and, if warranted, begin the INS mandated forms necessary for doing an internship.
Non-Degree International Students: The committee on academic standards and policies has approved internship enrollment to include nondegree international students studying through an exchange program at Hood. This is the only exception to the policy (of otherwise excluding nondegree students from qualifying for internships) and would not include nondegree students from any other category. Such being the case, qualifying nondegree international students would not need to meet the GPA or total credits requirements (listed on the internship application) in order to enroll for an internship.
Appeals: If a student does not meet the qualifications listed in section III-C, he or she may petition the committee on academic standards and policies for an exemption. Petition forms may be obtained in the registrar’s office. The student should include as much detail as possible and describe any special circumstances that would warrant an exemption. It is also advisable for the student to have his or her academic adviser or another member of the faculty who is familiar with the student's circumstances to write a letter of support to the committee on his or her behalf. The committee on academic standards and policies meets regularly to review appeals. The student will be notified of the committee's decision by the registrar's office.
Other Options: If a student is not able to complete an internship for academic credit, he or she may choose to do a field experience for up to 3 credits as an independent study. The student will still need a faculty member to act as an independent study adviser, but there are no GPA requirements or deadlines and no application is required. More information about independent study can be obtained from the catalog, the registrar's office or a faculty member from the department in which the credits will be completed. In addition, an internship can be done just for the experience without receiving academic credit for it. Such internships are very useful for career exploration and preparation. An application is not required to do a noncredit field experience. The Center for Career Development has information on many internship opportunities that might be elected on a noncredit basis.
Hood students are not placed in an internship. Instead, students must research internship options and find a suitable internship site on their own. The Center for Career Development staff will do everything it can to assist the student, but ultimately it is the student who is responsible for locating and securing a site.
Questions to Consider Before Starting Your Research:
- What do I want to get out of my internship?
- Which organization will allow me to meet my internship goals?
- How will I get to and from my internship? Are my internship options limited by transportation?
- Do I have the time in my schedule to commit to doing an xx-credit internship?
Research: The Center for Career Development has organized a number of resources to assist students in their search.
Handshake and CareerShift:
- The Career Center maintains an ongoing major-specific database of sites and locations where students have interned in the past.
- Internships can also be found in the online internship and job platforms Handshake or through CareerShift.
- Meet with a Career Center staff member to learn more about career fairs, lunch and learn events, and networking opportunities where you might meet an internship provider.
Internet Resources: There is a lot of information about internships on the Internet. Explore your major and find links to job and professional association websites through What Can I Do With This Major?
Faculty: Faculty are a valuable source of information regarding internship opportunities. Professors often have contact with colleagues or organizations in need of an intern.
Networking: Family and friends are great resources for internships. Where a relative or friend works or volunteers might be the perfect place to intern.
When to Apply: Most competitive internships (e.g., The White House) have a very early application deadline. As soon as students have determined that they want to do an internship, they should begin the research and application process.
Applying to the Prospective Site: Each and every organization has a different application procedure, but most require a résumé and an interview. In reality, there is often very little difference between applying for an internship and applying for a job. The more polished and professional the applicant, the better the chance that he or she will be chosen. If students need assistance with preparing for any part of the application process, they should contact the Center for Career Development.
Completion of All Internship Paperwork and Registration
The student bears sole responsibility for insuring that all paperwork has been received by the Center for Career Development and that he or she is properly registered for the internship credits.
Commitment: In accepting an internship at an organization, a student is expected to commit to staying at the site for the period of time designated on the learning agreement. Students should not switch internship sites midway through their internship.
Problems: If a student encounters a problem during the course of an internship, the student’s first step should be to discuss the problems with his or her faculty internship adviser and/or the on-site supervisor.
Professionalism: Interns not only represent themselves, but also Hood College. Students are expected to display mature, professional behavior at all times. Students should be punctual, dress appropriately for the site and abide by all of the organization’s policies.
Communication: Student interns are required to communicate on a prescribed schedule with their faculty internship adviser. Students should also maintain a constant line of communication with their on-site supervisor.
Journal: An internship journal is an excellent way of recording the internship experience. Students should talk to their faculty internship adviser about journal expectations.
On-site Supervisor Responsibilities:
- Confer regularly with the student and his or her faculty internship adviser.
- Submit a written midterm and final appraisal of the student’s work to the Center for Career Development.
- Make necessary equipment, supplies and space available for the intern.
- Arrange a weekly work schedule that can accommodate the student’s academic responsibilities.
- Make available any materials that have been produced for the organization for review by the faculty internship adviser as an additional basis for grading the student’s performance.
- Carry worker’s compensation Insurance affording coverage to the intern in the event of on-the-job injury should it be established that an employer/employee relationship exists between the organization and the student.
- Any other responsibilities itemized on the learning agreement.
Faculty Internship Advisor Responsibilities: Additional Information: Faculty Internship Guide
- Establish the criteria for evaluating the internship by meeting with the intern and completing the learning agreement.
- Communicate regularly with the student intern and his/her on-site supervisor.
- The faculty internship adviser cannot serve as the on-site supervisor. The faculty internship adviser meets either by email, in person or via phone with the intern at the beginning and end of the semester and in between, in accordance with the following guidelines:
Credit Internship - Meetings per Semester
3 Credits - 3 Meetings
6 Credits - 4 Meetings
9 Credits - 5 Meetings
12 Credits - 6 Meetings
15 Credits - 7 Meetings
Under unusual circumstances, any party involved in the internship may terminate the agreement. Because the internship is essentially a professional commitment, Hood strongly encourages students to fulfill their obligations to complete the full term of service at the site. Unfortunately, on rare occasions, the intern or the faculty internship adviser may determine that the internship site is not an appropriate learning experience, or the internship site may determine that the intern is not a good fit for their internship. In either case, any of the parties may decide to terminate the internship. If this occurs, notify the Center for Career Development immediately. Please note: If an internship is terminated for any reason, the student is responsible for following all procedures regarding adding/dropping credits and is responsible for all tuition, fees and penalties associated with credit coursework.
Student Termination of an Internship: The student may terminate the internship before the last date to withdraw from classes for the semester in which the internship is being performed. The student should have already notified his or her faculty internship adviser verbally of the problem, and steps should have been taken by both to rectify the situation. These steps could include:
- A meeting between the student and the on-site supervisor, with or without the faculty internship adviser present, to discuss the issues;
- A plan written together by the intern, the on-site supervisor and the faculty internship adviser to outline the issues and propose workable solutions; or
- A discussion between the on-site supervisor and the faculty internship adviser about how to better meet the objectives of the internship.
- If all remedies have been exhausted and the student wishes to withdraw from the internship, he or she must notify his or her faculty internship adviser, the on-site supervisor and the Center for Career Development in writing of this decision, as well as complete all necessary paperwork with the registrar to withdraw from the internship. Please remember that terminating the internship before its completion is a very serious matter.
- If an organization feels they have had a negative experience with one Hood intern, they may not consider other Hood students. Further, if a student withdraws from an internship, another suitable internship may not be available, it may be too late to work the required number of hours, a class that might be taken in lieu of the internship could be closed or it may be too late to enroll in an alternative class.
Faculty Termination of an Internship: The faculty internship adviser may terminate the internship if the intern's performance is clearly substandard or if the placement obviously does not serve the intern's interests. The faculty internship adviser should terminate an internship only after efforts to improve the situation prove futile (see above). The faculty internship adviser must inform the Center for Career Development, the student and the on-site supervisor in writing of the termination. If a faculty internship adviser chooses to terminate an internship without student consent, she or he must provide written documentation of the student's substandard performance or the unsuitability of the internship site. In the case of an unsuitable internship site, the faculty internship adviser should also provide suggestions for how the student can still earn the credits originally intended for the internship.
On-site Supervisor Termination of an Internship: The on-site supervisor may request the termination of an internship if he or she finds the intern's performance unacceptable and all efforts to improve the situation fail. The on-site supervisor must notify the faculty internship adviser in writing of the reasons prompting the request. The faculty internship adviser is responsible for taking any administrative action required to terminate an internship, and for informing the Center for Career Development of the termination. If either the intern or the faculty internship adviser has found the site unacceptable, please notify the Center for Career Development.
The internship learning agreement should be completed with the assistance of your faculty supervisor. This is one of the three forms necessary for the Career Center to assist you with your registration. Click the link below to review this document and consider the kinds of assignments you will develop as the academic component of your internship. Visit the Career Center, 2nd floor of the Apple building for the additional forms necessary for your internship to be registered for academic credit.
Application for Internship - this document must be picked up in the Career Center to verify academic eligibility.
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