Undergraduate Students
Explore your options from the very first day!
It's never too early to start thinking about possible career paths, creating a resume or volunteering in the Frederick community.
It's never too early to start thinking about possible career paths, creating a resume or volunteering in the Frederick community.
- Join Handshake to learn about internship and federally funded on-campus work study positions. Students should confirm with the Financial Aid office their eligibility for work study positions. The Financial Aid office can be reached at finaid@hood.edu.
- Earn while you volunteer and learn! Also open to federally funded work study student, the Community Scholar program allows students to work in the community at a nonprofit organization while receiving funding they normally would get for an on-campus job. Apply to become a Community Scholar
- Get involved with civic engagement.
- Join student organizations
- What Can I Do With This Major? Whether you’re exploring majors or searching for information about your chosen field, this website will help you connect majors to careers. Learn about typical career areas and types of employers that hire people with each major, as well as strategies to make you a more marketable candidate.
- Focus-2 is an online resource that gives you both program of study and career direction based on your strengths and interests. (Access code = Blazer)
This is your year of discovery!
Learn about the programs of study that Hood offers and the infinite possibilities within each major!
Focus-2 is an online resource that gives you both program of study and career direction based on your strengths and interests. (Access code= Blazer)
What Can I Do With This Major? Whether you’re exploring majors or searching for information about your chosen field, this website will help you connect majors to careers. Learn about typical career areas and types of employers that hire people with each major, as well as strategies to make you a more marketable candidate.
Meet with a career counselor to create a plan for next year's internship, study aboard, research and more. Make an appointment in Handshake.
Don't miss our annual Majors Fair where you'll be able to speak with faculty from every degree program Hood offers. This event happens each Oct. and is held in the Whitaker Atrium and Commons.
This is the year of decision making!
Explore the possibilities within your major by engaging in internships and experiential learning opportunities!
- Use Handshake to explore internship opportunities in Frederick, Baltimore, Washington, DC and the surrounding area.
- The Internship Handbook – learn about the academic expectations to obtaining an internship
- Meet with a career counselor to discuss opportunities right for you! Appointments can be made by visiting the Career Center on the 2nd Floor of the Apple Resource Center, calling (301) 696-3583, emailing careers@hood.edu, or online through Handshake.
- More exciting ways to explore your interests and careers:
- Study Abroad
- Career Assessments
- Resume Tutorial
Time to implement all that you have learned!
Senior year has many preparatory steps to gear up for life after Hood. You can register today for Senior Year On-Campus Recruitment (OCR) to work with a career center staff member who will help you create a specialized résumé, cover letter, practice interview, and provide other career center services.
Register for on-campus recruitment opportunities or make an appointment to meet with a career counselor to develop an individual plan in Handshake.
- Job Search Resources
- Alumnifire - Alumni Networking Platform just for Hood students and graduates
- Reality Check - Use this easy expense calculator to determine how much you would need to earn to cover your basic living expenses.
- Salary Calculator - Estimate how much you can earn by location, industry, and job title
- Peterson's Guide to Graduate Schools
- Resume Tutorial
- Click here to download a copy of the Life After Hood: Senior Transitions booklet.
Are you ready to say Hello?
Choose a Pathway
Information will vary based on program level. Select a path to find the information you're looking for!