Writing Center

The Writing Center

The Writing Center at Hood College provides free, one-on-one tutoring to all Hood undergraduate and graduate students for any writing or public speaking project.

We, in the Office of Student Success, believe that engaging in a dialogue with a real person helps everyone articulate their ideas more clearly. We can help writers and at any stage of the process, from brainstorming all the way through final drafts and presentations.

The Writing Center is an instructional service that provides writing assistance available for students on all levels. We offer both face-to-face and online consultations (ThinkingStorm).

Our work is student-centered and collaborative. We are not affiliated with any specific class or department but instead respect and value students’ ownership of their own work and own ideas. Our goal is to help students achieve their goals by strengthening and clarifying their own thinking, which helps them to strengthen and clarify their writing and speaking.

To apply to The Writing Center, email Student Success (studentsuccess@hood.edu) for an application.

The application requires a personal statement and the contact information of at least two faculty references. Your references need not write a letter of recommendation at this time. We will contact them ourselves to solicit their input. At least one of the references should know your writing well. Some questions you need to ask yourself:

  • Why do you wish to serve as a peer tutor at The Writing Center?
  • What relevant experiences (teaching, tutoring, volunteering) or coursework have prepared you to serve as a peer tutor?

You will also select an academic writing sample to submit along with your application. Choose samples that you feel reflect the best writing you have done to date. Interviews will take place once interviewees are selected.

Learn More

If you have any questions about what being a peer tutor entails, the application process or the training seminar, please email studentsuccess@hood.edu.