Faculty Reappointment, Promotion & Tenure Review

Guidelines and procedures governing faculty reappointment, promotion and tenure review are outlined in the Hood College Faculty Code and apply to all 0.5 AC and above faculty.  This review centers around a comprehensive professional dossier prepared by the candidate that contains artifacts and evidence of their achievements in teaching, scholarship and service.  The tenure review process begins in the fall semester when candidates are notified by the Provost of their upcoming review.  If candidates are seeking promotion, then they must notify the Provost of their intentions no later than September 10. 

If you anticipate a major review this year (whether scheduled or unscheduled), or if you plan to apply for promotion, please read the instructions that follow as well as relevant sections of the Faculty Code.  Please also consult with your department chair to confirm your intentions and ensuing timeline. 

Preparation of a dossier.Each candidate is responsible for providing pertinent information to the persons and groups charged with reviewing recommendations for reappointment, promotion, and grants of tenure.  Candidates should take care to provide complete evaluative evidence for each criterion of the review.  These criteria are outlined in section 3 of the Faculty Code.