Community Connections
Hood’s commitment to improving lives doesn’t stop at the boundaries of our campus. We are dedicated to building relationships, spurring growth and supporting our community. Hood College is fostering deep connections, and contributing to Frederick community.
Frederick Connections
Frederick is an amazing city and Hood is an amazing campus. When these entities come together, there is magic in the air! Not only are there many commonalities in the beauty of the campus and city, and the history of each, but the warm greeting you'll receive while walking on campus or in downtown Frederick is incredibly welcoming.
At the start of fall semester, Hood is not the only one to welcome new students to the Frederick community. During fall orientation, new students are taken to City Hall where they meet the Mayor and members of the Board of Aldermen to learn about Frederick’s history, culture and diverse community. Students also participate in a scavenger hunt and receive a gift card for shops in Downtown Frederick where more than 40 Frederick businesses offer discounts to Hood College students.
Throughout the academic year, students attend programs and activities ranging from live entertainment and speakers at the Weinberg Center for the Arts to special events at the Delaplaine Arts Center. They enjoy dining at any one of Frederick’s restaurants, strolling along Carroll Creek and taking advantage of Frederick’s entertainment.
In addition to volunteering at many of the non-profit organizations, students are invited to participate in many of Frederick’s annual programs and special initiatives, as Frederick Goes Purple. Hood joined Frederick County in drawing attention to the growing opioid crisis in the United States and supporting those who struggle with addiction and their loved ones.
Several offices and student organizations organized Hood Goes Purple and sponsored a candlelight vigil in honor of all those lost to drug overdose and addiction. Other activities included decorating the pergola with purple glow sticks, handing out purple bracelets and shoe strings, and giving out informational brochures from local organizations.
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