Network FAQS

First, look for a flashing light on your NIC card located in the back of your desktop computer or on the side of your laptop. If there is no light, contact the Helpdesk at "" or ext. 3622.

You will need a hub. Hood provides hubs to offices with a need for more than one computer. Go to the Helpdesk, in the Beneficial-Hodson Library, Room 1028, to sign out a hub.

First, try another Internet site. If it works, then periodically go back to the site you were trying to access until it comes back up. If you cannot reach any other sites, then look for a flashing light on the NIC card located in the back of your desktop computer or on the side of your laptop. If there is no light, contact the Helpdesk at "" or ext. 3622.

Contact the Helpdesk at "" or ext. 3622.

Contact the Helpdesk at "" or ext. 3622.