Assessment Plans

The Core Curriculum has planned for the assessment of student learning through the development of standard rubrics and for each Core area.

Core requirements and courses can be found in the College Catalog. All Core courses have student learning outcomes that align with their respective area. Core courses are expected to assess student learning for at least one outcome per course offering.

Master rubrics have been developed for each Core area. The rubrics describe the outcome number, Undergraduate Core Competency (UCC) alignment, and performance expectations for each area.

The Core area rubrics are located below and can also be accessed here.

English Composition Core Area Rubric
OutcomeNovice (1)Emergent (2)Proficient (3)Advanced (4)
Develop an effective thesis and support it well with evidence
EC 1
UCC 1,5
Thesis ineffective/ absent
Evidence ineffective/ absent
Thesis somewhat effective
Evidence somewhat effective
Thesis effective
Evidence effective
Thesis very effective
Evidence very effective 
Formulate well-organized and coherent essays
EC 2
UCC 1,5
Essay disorganized
Essay incoherent
Essay somewhat organized
Essay somewhat coherent
Essay mostly well-organized
Essay mostly coherent
Essay well-organized throughout
Essay coherent throughout
Write with clarity and precision using appropriate tone and diction
EC 3
Writing rarely/ never clear and precise
Tone and diction rarely/ never appropriate
Writing sometimes clear and precise
Tone and diction sometimes appropriate
Writing often clear and precise
Tone and diction often appropriate
Writing almost always clear and precise
Tone and diction almost always appropriate
Apply conventions of standard U.S. English concerning grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics
EC 4
U.S. English conventions rarely/never appliedU.S. English conventions
sometimes applied
U.S. English conventions
often applied
U.S. English conventions almost always applied
Cite sources accurately and in current MLA style
EC 5
Sources rarely/ never cited accurately
MLA style rarely/ never used accurately
Sources sometimes cited accurately
MLA style sometimes used accurately
Sources often cited accurately
MLA style often used accurately
Sources almost always cited accurately
MLA style almost always used accurately 
First-Year Seminar Core Area Rubric 
OutcomeNovice (1)Emergent (2)Proficient (3)Advanced (4) 
Information Literacy Assignment 
Development of Research Question
FYS 1.1
Question is not related to the course topic or requires summary rather than analysis/synthesis of sources.Question is related to the course topic and requires some analysis and synthesis of sources, but may be too broad or too narrow in scope.Question is clear and requires analysis and synthesis of a variety of sources. Displays an understanding of relevant course issues and concepts and has a scope appropriate to the assignment.Research question is clear, well-developed, and requires thorough analysis and synthesis of a variety of sources. Displays independent thought, insightful understanding of relevant issues and concepts, and is well-focused in its scope. 
Source Identification
FYS 1.2
Sources do not meet requirements for types of sources and/or sources are drawn from internet searches rather than library databases.1-2 required types of source may be missing and/or at least one library database was used.All required types of sources have been included and sources found via library database(s).Thoughtfully selected options for all required types of sources are included and sources are using found via library database(s).  
Source Evaluation
FYS 1.3
Most sources are not credible, current, or appropriate for the assignment and/or sources are not relevant to the research question.3-4 sources are credible, current, and appropriate for the assignment and/or sources are somewhat relevant to the research question.All sources are current, credible, and appropriate for the assignment and all sources are relevant to the research question.Sources are carefully chosen for being authoritative in the field and sources are directly relevant to the research question. 
Source Citations
FYS 1.4
Citations are incomplete and/or do not follow the designated style. There are significant information missing or several proofreading and/or formatting errors.Citations generally complete and follow the designated style, but some are missing minor information or contain proofreading and/or formatting errors.Sources are cited correctly and completely using the designated citation style, with only minor omissions or errors in formatting, spelling, or punctuation.All sources are cited correctly and completely using the designated citation style, with no omissions or errors in formatting, spelling, and punctuation. 
AnnotationsAnnotations contain sparse or incorrect summaries of source content and/or statements of source usefulness for the project are missing or incomplete.Annotations contain vague but accurate summaries of source content and/or most annotations contain general statements about source’s usefulness for the project.Annotations contain accurate summaries of source content and all annotations contain statements about source’s usefulness for the project.Annotations contain concise but detailed summaries of source content and all annotations contain thoughtful statements about source’s usefulness for the project. 
Campus Engagement Assignment 
Writing Center Visit
Did Not CompletePartially CompletedCompleted 
Career Center Activity
Did Not CompletePartially CompletedCompleted 
Internship/Volunteer Fair or Study Abroad Fair
Did Not CompletePartially CompletedCompleted 
Majors Fair
Did Not CompletePartially CompletedCompleted 
'Academic' Campus/ Community Event
Did Not CompletePartially CompletedCompleted 
'Fun' Campus/ Community Event
Did Not CompletePartially CompletedCompleted 
Pillar Talk 2
Did Not CompletePartially CompletedCompleted 
Pillar Talk 3
Did Not CompletePartially CompletedCompleted 
Pillar Talk 4
Did Not CompletePartially CompletedCompleted 
Pergola Picture or Instructor's Choice
Did Not CompletePartially CompletedCompleted 
Quantitative Literacy Core Area Rubric
OutcomeNovice (1)Emergent (2)Proficient (3)Advanced (4)
Interpret Quantitative Data
QL 1
Attempts to explain information presented in mathematical formats, but draws incorrect conclusions about what the information means or uses incorrect terminology. For example, attempts to explain the trend data shown in a graph, but misinterprets the nature of that trend, perhaps by confusing positive and negative trends or misinterpreting the scales used on the axes. Provides somewhat accurate explanations of information presented in mathematical formats, but occasionally makes minor errors related to mathematical computations or units. Use of appropriate terminology is inconsistent. For example, accurately explains trend data shown in a graph, but may miscalculate the slope of the trend line. Provides accurate explanations of information presented in mathematical formats. For example, accurately explains the trend data shown in a graph.Provides accurate explanations of information presented in mathematical formats. Makes appropriate inferences based on that information. For example, accurately explains the trend data shown in a graph and makes reasonable predictions regarding what the data suggest about future events.
Computational Fluency and Technology
QL 2
Calculations are attempted, but are both unsuccessful and are not comprehensive. Inappropriate technology usage is evident. Distracting format.Calculations attempted are either partly unsuccessful or represent only a portion of the calculations required to comprehensively solve the problem. Use of technology is inconsistent. Minor errors in content accuracy or formatting. Calculations attempted are mostly successful and sufficiently comprehensive to solve the problems. Technology is used effectively. Correctly labels information with minor errors in formatting, which do not distract from solving the problem.Calculations attempted are essentially all successful and sufficiently comprehensive to solve the problem. Technology is used appropriately and efficiently. Calculations are presented clearly and concisely. Correctly labels all relevant information. Format provides clarity. 
Communicate Arguments: Quantitative Tools
QL 3
Presents an argument for which tables, graphs, and/or mathematical expressions are applicable, but the selected tools do not provide explicit numerical or visual support. Presents multiple errors and inaccuracies. Distracting format.Uses quantitative tools such as tables, graphs, and/or mathematical expressions, but does not effectively connect the data to an argument or the purpose of the work. Minor errors in content accuracy or formatting exist.Demonstrates the use of accurate and comprehensive quantitative information in the form of tables, graphs, and/or mathematical expressions, which are relevant to the argument or purpose of the work. Format may not be succinctly presented throughout the assignment. Consistently demonstrates the use of accurate and comprehensive quantitative information in the form of tables, graphs and/or mathematical expressions which are relevant to the argument or purpose of the work. When required, provides effective format and labels to quantitative tools which enhance an argument's or work's clarity.
Communicate Arguments: Narrative Analysis
QL 4
UCC 1,5
Attempts to explain information presented, but draws incorrect conclusions about what the information means. Vague writing style appears throughout the passage. Key components missing; inaccurate alignment of evidence and interpretation. Writing style requires attention. Provides inaccurate or unclear explanations which are somewhat relevant to the argument or purpose of the work. Use of appropriate terminology is inconsistent. Minor inaccuracies or omissions. Room for improvement in the appropriate and acceptable writing style. Presents mostly accurate and clear interpretations, explanations and/or mathematical reasonings which are relevant to the argument or purpose of the work. Explanation may not be succinctly articulated throughout the narrative, yet the description includes the appropriate terminology and acceptable writing style. Consistently provides succinctly articulated, accurate, and thoughtful interpretations, explanations and or mathematical reasonings relevant to the argument or purpose of the work. Maintains a precise, succinct writing style and command of appropriate terminology that adds to the work's clarity. 
Global Languages Core Area Rubric
102 Listening
OutcomeNovice (1)Emergent (2)Proficient (3)Advanced (4)
Comprehension of sentence-length speech
FL 1
Students are able to understand very little information from sentence-length speech in basic personal and social contexts. There are numerous significant errors in comprehension.Students are able to understand very limited information from sentence-length speech in basic personal and social contexts. There are some significant errors in comprehension.Students are often, but not always, able to understand limited information from sentence-length speech in basic personal and social contexts. There are some errors in comprehension.Students are able to understand some information from sentence-length speech in basic personal and social contexts. There are few to no errors in comprehension.
102 Reading
Comprehension of simple facts and information
FL 4.1
Students are able to understand very little information in short, uncomplicated texts. There are numerous significant errors in comprehension.Students are able to understand very limited information in short, uncomplicated texts. There are some significant errors in comprehension.Students are often, but not always, able to understand limited information in short, uncomplicated texts. There are some errors in comprehension.Students are able to understand some information in short, uncomplicated texts. There are few to no errors in comprehension.
Comprehension of key words, cognates, and formulaic phrases
FL 4.2
Students are able to understand very few key words, cognates, and formulaic phrases in contextualized texts.Students are able to understand few key words, cognates, and formulaic phrases in contextualized texts.Students are able to understand some key words, cognates, and formulaic phrases in contextualized texts.Students are able to understand most key words, cognates, and formulaic phrases in contextualized texts.
102 Speaking
Making spoken statements about personal information and basic needs
FL 2.1
Student cannot make spoken statements based on familiar material.Student can make spoken statements based on familiar material. There are many significant errors in grammar, word choice, and pronunciation that interfere with transmission of intent. Student can make spoken statements based on familiar material. There are some errors in grammar, word choice, and pronunciation but they do not interfere with transmission of intent. Student can make spoken statements based on familiar material, with few to no errors in grammar, word choice, and pronunciation.
Answering questions
FL 2.2
Student cannot answer questions based on familiar material.Student can answer questions based on familiar material, but there are significant errors that interfere with transmission of intent.Student can answer questions based on familiar material. There are some errors but they do not interfere with transmission of intent. Student can answer questions based on familiar material, with few to no errors. 
102 Writing
Creating questions
FL 3.1
Student cannot create questions based on familiar material.Student can create questions based on familiar material, but there are significant errors that interfere with transmission of intent.Student can create questions based on familiar material. There are some errors but they do not interfere with transmission of intent. Student can create questions based on familiar material, with few to no errors. 
Writing simple sentences
FL 3.2
Students cannot write short and simple sentences on topics tied to highly predictable content areas and personal information.Students can write short and simple sentences on topics tied to highly predictable content areas and personal information, but there are significant errors that interfere with transmission of intent.Students can write short and simple sentences on topics tied to highly predictable content areas and personal information. There are some errors but they do not interfere with transmission of intent.Students can write short and simple sentences on topics tied to highly predictable content areas and personal information, with few to no errors.
Health & Wellness Core Area Rubric
OutcomeNovice (1)Emergent (2)Proficient (3)Advanced (4)
Identify and evaluate relevant and credible sources for researching topics on health, wellness, and physical activities
HW 1
Content is not entirely relevant to the topic and/or no sources are cited and/or information is not verifiable.Content is somewhat relevant and/or information is not entirely verifiable (few or no resources documented).Content is relevant and sources are documented.Content is relevant and sources reflect a comprehensive range of significant perspectives on their research topic. Source is verifiable (lists publish date, author, and links).
Communicate or perform best practices regarding topics on health, wellness, and physical activity
HW 2
Delivery techniques fail to display clear structure, relevant content, appropriate language, and/or non-verbal techniques or activities. Fails to cite credible or relevant sources.Delivery techniques display an uneven use of clear structure, relevant content, appropriate language, and/or non-verbal techniques. One or more of the elements are missing and/or poorly presented.Delivery techniques include an acceptable display of clear structure, relevant content, appropriate language, and/or non-verbal techniques. Uses credible and or relevant sources to support ideas that are suitable for the topic.Delivery techniques display relevant and clear structure, comprehensive and verifiable content, appropriate language, and/or effective non-verbal techniques. Uses the best relevant and credible sources to support ideas that are appropriate to the topic.
Assess their own habits and abilities in relation to best practices for achieving health and wellness and/or a physical activity
HW 3
Little description or analysis of behaviors, habits, or abilities.Weak or partially inaccurate description and analysis of behaviors, habits, and/or abilities.Assessment of habit and abilities is beyond reporting or describing behaviors to reflecting (i.e. attempting to understand, question, or analyze the event).Provides an accurate description of their own behaviors and identifies strengths and weaknesses. Draws conclusions of why the behaviors occurred.
Develop a plan for continuous improvement of health and wellness habits and/or for improving a physical activity
HW 4
Did not develop a feasible plan for improvement grounded in best practices regarding topics on improving health, wellness, and physical activity.Plan is vague and/or not feasible and/or not grounded in best practices regarding topics on improving health, wellness, and physical activity.Plan includes action steps and a timeline that may be feasible. Plan attempts to be grounded in best practices regarding topics on improving health, wellness, and physical activity.Plan includes feasible action steps and timeline. Plan is grounded in best practices regarding topics on improving health, wellness, and physical activity.
Global Perspectives Core Area Rubric
OutcomeNovice (1)Emergent (2)Proficient (3)Advanced (4)
Critically examines a text, work, discourse, or institution of global significance in its historical, cultural, economic, and/or political context
GP 1.1
Student has not examined a relevant/ assigned work, discourse, or institution and failed to demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. Student identifies a relevant/ assigned work, discourse, or institution but struggles to critically engage/ interrogate the topic. Student mostly uses descriptive analysis and does not demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the topic. Student critically examines a relevant/assigned work, discourse, or institution by engaging the relevant literature and demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. Student critically examines a relevant/ assigned work, discourse, or institution by engaging the relevant literature and notes its strengths and weaknesses through succinct, detailed statements. 
Analyze a cultural, ideological, or institutional process and/or impact that transcends two or more boundaries in space and/or time
GP 1.2
UCC 7,8
Fails to identify a cultural, ideological, or institutional process that transcends two or more boundaries. Demonstrates an awareness of diverse experiences, but does not elucidate how the process is encountered, interpreted, or experienced across two or more boundaries.Shows awareness of the diverse experiences with the cultural, ideological, or institutional structures encountered across two or more boundaries in space and/or time.Demonstrates the theoretical and empirical complexities of diverse experiences across boundaries in space and/or time. Expresses careful reflection upon the relevant scholarship, including both strengths and weaknesses, through detailed statements. 
Writes about global issues and processes with clarity
GP 2.1
Paper has serious grammatical, organizational, and/or stylistic errors that render much of the argument impossible to follow. Paper has significant grammatical, organization, and/or stylistic errors that prevent the reader from following the argument throughout the essay. Paper has only minor grammatical, organizational, and/or stylistic errors that prevent the reader from following the argument.Paper offers a clear line of argumentation that demonstrates logical organization and grammatical and stylistic rigor. The writing is clear enough that the reader is able to focus only on the argument presented in the paper.
Develops a thesis statement that responds to global issues and problems
GP 2.2
Argument does not respond to assigned topic and is not supported by relevant evidence. Argument directly responds to the assigned topic yet is not supported by relevant evidence. Argument offers a direct evidence-based response to the assigned topic.Argument directly responds to the assigned topic in a manner that demonstrates awareness of the topic’s complexities. Each point of the analysis is supported by a nuanced use of the relevant evidence.
Utilizes appropriate citation format
GP 2.3
Citations are not provided for all primary and secondary evidence used in the paper and/or incorrect or inconsistent formatting appears in some citations. Citations are provided for all primary and secondary evidence used in the paper and reference pages yet incorrect or inconsistent formatting appears in some citations. Properly formatted citations, as defined by assignment instructions, are provided for all primary and secondary evidence in the paper.Proper citations are provided for all primary and secondary evidence used in the paper and reference list. Selected evidence demonstrates use of high-quality, credible, and relevant sources.
Historical Analysis Core Area Rubric
OutcomeNovice (1)Emergent (2)Proficient (3)Advanced (4)
Appropriately identify and analyze primary sources
HA 1
Student has not identified primary sources correctly. Information is taken from primary sources without interpretation or evaluation. Analysis is missing.Student identifies primary sources inconsistently or incompletely. Analysis is factually inaccurate, anachronistic, or simplistic.Student consistently identifies primary sources correctly. Analysis is factually accurate and demonstrates solid understanding of source content. Student demonstrates thorough understanding of primary sources, including its context. Analysis is complex, nuanced, and detailed. 
Place significant works in their proper historical and cultural context
HA 2
Student has not identified significant works correctly. Information about significant works lacks interpretation, evaluation, or analysis.Student identifies significant works inconsistently or incompletely. Analysis of historical and/or cultural context is factually inaccurate, anachronistic, or simplistic.Student consistently identifies significant works correctly. Analysis of historical and/or cultural context is factually accurate and demonstrates solid understanding of source content.Student demonstrates thorough understanding of significant works. Analysis of historical and/or cultural context is complex, nuanced, and detailed. 
Assess the complex relationship between historical events and the human condition
HA 3
Student has not addressed human outcome of historical events, or argument is factually inaccurate.Student incompletely or incorrectly assesses outcome of historical events. Argument is anachronistic, simplistic, or logically untenable. Student assesses the human outcome of one or more historical events. Argument is factually accurate and demonstrates solid understanding of material.Student clearly assesses the human outcome of one or more complex historical events. Argument is thoughtful, compelling, and evidence-based. 
Chronologically order major events and the development of key social and political institutions for at least one period of history
HA 4
Student demonstrates no familiarity with the dates of the period being studied. Student cannot order events and developments.Student demonstrates some familiarity with the chronology of the period being studied, but is weak or inconsistent in ordering events and developments.Student demonstrates familiarity with the chronology of the period being studied, and shows solid ability to correctly order events and developments.Student demonstrates consistent ability to correctly order and date events and developments.
Explain the significance of major events and the development of key social and political institutions for at least one period of history
HA 5
Student produces no such explanations, or explanations that are factually inaccurate. Student explains significance of major events in simplistic terms. Student explains development of key institutions perfunctorily or with only partial accuracy. Explanations are undeveloped. Student explains the significance of major events and development of key institutions clearly and accurately. Appropriate concrete examples are utilized as supporting evidence.Student explains the significance of major events and development of key institutions thoroughly, thoughtfully, and in detail. Arguments are compelling and evidence-based. 
Literary Analysis Rubric
OutcomeNovice (1)Emergent (2)Proficient (3)Advanced (4)
Read and comprehend literary works
LA 1
UCC 1, 5, 9
Does not understand main ideas/ supporting detailsUnderstands main ideas/ few supporting details, with frequent comprehension errorsUnderstands main ideas/ some supporting details, with some comprehension errorsUnderstands main ideas/ many supporting details, with few comprehension errors
Analyze significant aspects of literature
LA 2
UCC 1, 5, 9
Shows no evidence of analysis; excessive plot summaryShows little evidence of thoughtful analysis; frequent plot summaryShows some evidence of thoughtful analysis; some plot summaryShows evidence of original and thoughtful analysis; minimal plot summary
Discuss relationships between literature and human experience
LA 3
UCC 1, 5, 9
Does not discuss relationships between literature and human experienceDiscusses relationships between literature and human experience, in a cursory mannerDiscusses relationships between literature and human experience, in a competent mannerDiscusses relationships between literature and human experience, in a thoughtful manner
Philosophical Inquiry Core Area Rubric
OutcomeNovice (1)Emergent (2)Proficient (3)Advanced (4)
Comprehends Ethical Context and Assumptions
PI 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 4. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
UCC 1, 5, 7
The author either does not identify any ethical issues of significance or misguidedly explains the context and important assumptions.The author identifies a significant ethical issue without explaining its significance, contextualizing it or identifying important assumptions.The author identifies at least one significant ethical issue and contextualizes the issue so that the importance of that issue and its assumptions are sufficiently explained.The author identifies one of the most significant ethical issues; the context and assumptions as well as importance of that particular issue are well explained.
Applies Ethical Theories
PI 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
UCC 1, 5, 8
Student can apply ethical perspectives/ concepts to an ethical question with support (using examples, in a class, in a group, or a fixed-choice setting) but is unable to apply ethical perspectives/ concepts independently (to a new example.).Student can apply ethical perspectives/ concepts to an ethical question, independently (to a new example) and the application is inaccurate.Student can independently (to a new example) apply ethical perspectives/ concepts to an ethical question, accurately, but does not consider the specific implications of the application.Student can independently apply ethical perspectives/ concepts to an ethical question, accurately, and is able to consider full implications of the application.
Understands the Way Values Influence Practices
PI 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
UCC 1, 5, 7
Conclusion is inconsistently tied to some of the information discussed; related outcomes (consequences and implications) are oversimplified.Conclusion is logically tied to information (because information is chosen to fit the desired conclusion); some related outcomes (consequences and implications) are identified clearly.Conclusion is logically tied to a range of information, including opposing viewpoints; related consequences and implications are identified.Conclusions and related consequences and implications are logical and fully explained and reflect student’s informed evaluation and ability to prioritize evidence and perspectives.
Presents Thesis about Ethical Theory or Practice and Demonstrates Philosophical Argumentation
PI 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
UCC 1, 5, 8
The paper has no thesis statement about ethical theory or practice.Thesis is present but lacks clarity or relevance to ethical theory or practice.The paper has a clear thesis about ethical theory or practice and includes philosophical argumentation to support that thesis.The paper has a narrow and specific thesis about ethical theory or practice that is supported by rigorous philosophical argumentation.
Evaluates Different Ethical Perspectives
PI 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
UCC 1, 5, 8
Student states a position but cannot state the objections to and assumptions and limitations of the different perspectives/ concepts.Student states a position and can state the objections to, assumptions and implications of different ethical perspectives/ concepts but does not respond to them (and ultimately objections, assumptions, and implications are compartmentalized by student and do not affect student's position.)Student states a position and can state the objections to, assumptions and implications of, and respond to the objections to, assumptions and implications of different ethical perspectives/ concepts, but the student's response is inadequate.Student states a position and can state the objections to, assumptions and implications of and can reasonably defend against the objections to, assumptions and implications of different ethical perspectives/ concepts, and the student's defense is adequate and effective.
Scientific Thought Core Area Rubric
OutcomeNovice (1)Emergent (2)Proficient (3)Advanced (4)
Shows proficiency in understanding and appreciation of fundamental concepts in a scientific discipline
ST 1
Shows understanding of few of the basic concepts. Demonstrates significant misconceptions. Gives explanation showing limited understanding of the concepts. Communicates with little clarity and precision. Rarely uses appropriate science terminology and units of measurements. Shows understanding of some of the basic concepts. Demonstrates minor misconceptions. Gives partial explanation showing some understanding of the concepts. Communicates with some clarity and precision. Sometimes uses appropriate science terminology and units of measurements. Shows understanding of most of the basic concepts. Demonstrates no misconceptions. Usually gives complete or nearly complete explanations showing some understanding of the concepts. Generally communicates with clarity and precision. Usually uses appropriate science terminology and units of measurements. Shows understanding of all or almost all of the basic concepts. Demonstrates no misconceptions. Always gives complete or nearly complete explanations showing understanding of the concepts. Consistently communicates with clarity and precision. Consistently uses appropriate science terminology and units of measurements. 
Describes the importance of science and technology on society
ST 2
UCC 7,8
Shows limited understanding of the impact of science and technology on society. Is unable to identify, explore, and analyze social and ethical concerns and dilemmas related to science and technology.Shows basic understanding of the impact of science and technology on society. Is able to identify, explore, and analyze social and ethical concerns and dilemmas related to science and technology but demonstrated knowledge contains questionable rationale.Shows fundamental understanding of the impact of science and technology on society. Is able to identify, explore, and analyze social and ethical concerns and dilemmas related to science and technology and demonstrated knowledge contains good rationale.Shows advanced understanding of the impact of science and technology on society. Is able to identify, explore, and analyze social and ethical concerns and dilemmas related to science and technology and demonstrated knowledge contains excellent rationale.
Shows proficiency in using tools and techniques in the scientific approach to problem solving
ST 3.a
Data was collected using poor technique, improper methods, and/or incorrect tools. Data was not been recorded or displayed in the correct units and organization.Data was collected using developing technique, following methods with assistance, and correct tools in some instances. Although data is recorded and displayed, it lacks the correct units and proper organized methods. Data was collected using good technique, proper methods, and correct tools with limited exceptions. Data was collected in a sufficient manner, recorded, and displayed using the correct units and methods. Data was collected using excellent technique, following proper methods, and using correct tools. Data is accurately displayed using the correct units. 
Shows proficiency in analyzing data and in drawing the appropriate conclusions in the scientific approach to problem solving
ST 3.b
UCC 4,5
Data is analyzed using improper methods and techniques. Presents a conclusion, but does not provide adequate explicit numerical support. Data is analyzed using proper methods and techniques but contains large errors. Uses quantitative information in a conclusion, but does not effectively connect it to the experiment.Data is analyzed using proper methods and techniques and contains limited errors. Explicitly describes assumptions and provides compelling rationale for why assumptions are appropriate for the conclusion reached.Data is analyzed using proper methods and techniques and contains few to no errors. Explicitly describes assumptions and provides compelling rationale for the conclusion and why each assumption is appropriate. 
Social & Behavioral Analysis Core Area Rubric
OutcomeNovice (1)Emergent (2)Proficient (3)Advanced (4)
Identify the essential features of society/culture, or the major factors of human behavior, either in general or as they apply to particular social, political or economic issues. 

Student demonstrates minimal understanding of essential features of society/culture. Excessive inaccuracies and/or omissions yield an incomplete response.

Student demonstrates minimal understanding of major factors of human behavior. Excessive inaccuracies and/or omissions yield an incomplete response.

Student demonstrates a partial understanding of essential features of society/culture. Several inaccuracies and/or omissions make the response somewhat incomplete.

Student demonstrates a partial understanding of major factors of human behavior. Several inaccuracies and/or omissions make the response somewhat incomplete.

Student demonstrates a general understanding of essential features of society/culture. Minor identification inaccuracies and/or omissions exist, but a generally correct and thorough response is provided.

Student demonstrates a general understanding of major factors of human behavior. Minor identification inaccuracies and/or omissions exist, but a generally correct and thorough response is provided.

Student demonstrates a distinctive understanding of key features of society/culture by providing more complex concepts, or detailed explanations and/or the level of accuracy is near faultless.

Student demonstrates a distinctive understanding of key major factors of human behavior by providing more complex concepts, or detailed explanations and/or the level of accuracy is near faultless.

Analyze the structures/functions of some major social institution, or the effect of social structures on individuals’ attitudes and behaviors. 
SBA 2 

Author does not adequately demonstrate an understanding of key concepts, theories and/or terms. Several key theories and/or concepts are missing and/or inaccurately described.

Author does not adequately demonstrate an ability to apply theories and/or concepts. Examples are missing, inaccurate and/or excessively vague in several areas.

Author does not adequately demonstrate an understanding of key concepts, theories and/or terms. Several key theories and/or concepts are missing and/or inaccurately described.

Author does not adequately demonstrate an ability to apply theories and/or concepts. Examples are missing, inaccurate and/or excessively vague in several areas.

Author demonstrates a partial understanding of key theories and/or concepts by attempting to describe the majority of those applied in the analysis. Multiple inaccuracies and/or unclear descriptions interfere with the analysis.

Author demonstrates limited ability to independently and accurately apply theories and/or concepts. Some key applications are unclear and/or missing.

Author demonstrates a partial understanding of key theories and/or concepts by attempting to describe the majority of those applied in the analysis. Multiple inaccuracies and/or unclear descriptions interfere with the analysis.

Author demonstrates limited ability to independently and accurately apply theories and/or concepts. Some key applications are unclear and/or missing.

Author demonstrates a general understanding of key theories and/or concepts by clearly describing those applied in the analysis. Minor inaccuracies and/or omissions do not substantially alter the analysis.

Author can consistently, independently (to a new example), and accurately apply key theories and/or concepts. Minor improvement could be made in the clarity of the examples.

Author demonstrates a general understanding of key theories and/or concepts by clearly describing those applied in the analysis. Minor inaccuracies and/or omissions do not substantially alter the analysis.

Author can consistently, independently (to a new example), and accurately apply key theories and/or concepts. Minor improvement could be made in the clarity of the examples.

Author consistently demonstrates an understanding of key theories and/or concepts by clearly describing those applied in the analysis.

Beyond demonstrating proficiency, the author successfully provides distinctive insight(s) relative to the theories and/or concepts being applied.

Author consistently demonstrates an understanding of key theories and/or concepts by clearly describing those applied in the analysis.

Beyond demonstrating proficiency, the author successfully provides distinctive insight(s) relative to the theories and/or concepts being applied.

Identify the methods used to address questions related to structures of society and/or human behavior. 
Student demonstrates minimal understanding of methods. Excessive inaccuracies and/or omissions yield an incomplete response.Student demonstrates a partial understanding of methods. Several inaccuracies and/or omissions make the response somewhat incomplete.Student demonstrates a general understanding of methods. Minor identification inaccuracies and/or omissions exist, but a generally correct and thorough response is provided.Student demonstrates a distinctive understanding of methods by providing more complex concepts, or detailed explanations and/or the level of accuracy is near faultless.
Visual & Performing Arts Core Area Rubric
OutcomeNovice (1)Emergent (2)Proficient (3)Advanced (4)
Analyze a work/piece/site in terms of its cultural role, content, meaning, significance, and/or influence
VPA 1a
Analysis flawed or substantially underdeveloped. Shows little to no understanding or examination of key concepts.Analysis underdeveloped; discussion of key concepts may be lacking or underdeveloped; may mention concepts/ elements but not fully or properly analyze them, or analysis may have some flaws.Analysis fairly well developed, analysis of key concepts mostly clear and correct; good use of terms and analysis is mostly effectively supported.Analysis is well developed, demonstrates a clear understanding of key concepts. Contextual connections are substantive and appropriate. Analysis is thoroughly supported.
Analyze a particular figure and/or their work(s) in terms of their cultural role, meaning, significance, and/or influence
VPA 2a
Analysis flawed or substantially underdeveloped. Shows little to no understanding or examination of key concepts.Analysis underdeveloped; discussion of key concepts may be lacking or underdeveloped; may mention concepts/ elements but not fully or properly analyze them, or analysis may have some flaws.Analysis fairly well developed, analysis of key concepts mostly clear and correct; good use of terms and analysis is mostly effectively supported.Analysis is well developed, demonstrates a clear understanding of key concepts. Contextual connections are substantive and appropriate. Analysis is thoroughly supported.
Demonstrate the ability to use and appropriately apply methods and/or vocabulary appropriate to the discipline
VPA 3a
Demonstrates little to no understanding of and/or ability to use or apply disciplinary methods and/or vocabulary.Demonstrates some understanding of and/or ability to use or apply disciplinary methods and/or vocabulary.Demonstrates a generally solid understanding of and/or ability to use or apply disciplinary methods and/or vocabulary.Demonstrates a high level of understanding of and/or ability to use or apply disciplinary methods and/or vocabulary.
Demonstrate technical skill(s) including an understanding of the fundamental techniques and/or tools of the discipline
VPA 1p
Student demonstrates little or no understanding or ability to utilize fundamental techniques and/or tools Student demonstrates a limited ability to utilize fundamental techniques and/or tools Student demonstrates a general ability to utilize fundamental techniques and/or toolsStudent demonstrates a clear and strong ability to successfully utilize fundamental techniques and/or tools
Demonstrate the ability to communicate original ideas in creative, discipline-specific ways
VPA 2p
Student demonstrates little to no ability to communicate original ideas, or attempts to do so are primarily unsuccessful  Student demonstrates some ability to communicate original ideas, or attempts to do so are somewhat successful  Student demonstrates a solid ability to communicate original ideas, or attempts to do so are generally successful  Student demonstrates a substantial and clear ability to communicate original ideas, or attempts to do so are highly successful  
Demonstrate the ability to use and appropriately apply methods of work and/or vocabulary appropriate to the discipline.
VPA 3p
Demonstrates little to no understanding of and/or ability to use or apply disciplinary methods and/or vocabulary.Demonstrates some understanding of and/or ability to use or apply disciplinary methods and/or vocabulary.Demonstrates a generally solid understanding of and/or ability to use or apply disciplinary methods and/or vocabulary.Demonstrates a high level of understanding of and/or ability to use or apply disciplinary methods and/or vocabulary.

Blue: Analytical
Green: Practicum