Use of Student Learning Evidence

Using assessment data, graduate degree programs at Hood College develop annual action plans to continue strengths and improve weaknesses.

View examples of how graduate programs have used student learning evidence to improve learning and enhance the achievement of Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):

  • The Graduate School identified a need to emphasize the Graduate School Outcome (GSO) of Diversity. Thus, the Graduate School increased the number of academic programs with at least one key assessment mapped to the diversity outcome from 87% in Spring 2020 to 100% in Spring 2021.
  • The Biomedical Science program aimed to improve results and increase the number of measurements within the Communication and Professionalism GSOs. The program emphasized instructor rubric use and consistent assessment of oral/professional presentations.
  • The Curriculum and Instruction education program saw a year-to-year increase from 2019-2020 to 2020-2021 among all outcome scores. Despite the overall increase, the program identified the Diversity GSO as a weakness and increased the number of diversity-related activities in the curriculum.
  • The Ceramics MFA program recognized a lack of depth in student research and other artifacts, affecting the achievement of some GSOs. The program increased the rigor and demand of the halfway evaluation metric to promote conceptual development.
  • The Counseling programs saw a slight year-to-year decrease in program outcome results regarding risk assessment. To address the decline, the programs increased the number of assignments in required courses that involve assessing risk.
  • The Educational Leadership program identified a gap in Diversity GSO scores among subgroups of students. The program focused on increasing the diversity of student applicants and updating course topics, case studies, authors, and literature to reduce the gap of cultural proficiency.
  • The Environmental Biology program noticed that the Communication GSO received the lowest number of measurements and one of the lowest average scores. The program used the data to remind faculty to administer and emphasize assignments designated for the Communication GSO.
  • The Business Administration and Project Management programs identified the Critical Reasoning and Professionalism GSOs as potential areas of improvement. Thus, the program aimed to emphasize course topics and introduce new assignments that relate to the two outcomes.
  • The Multidisciplinary Education program saw a year-to-year decrease in the number of students achieving the Research GSO. The program reviewed the rubrics of research-focused assignments to enhance clarity and expectations.