Endowed & Annual Undergraduate Scholarships

Endowed & Annual Undergraduate Scholarships

Endowed and annually-funded scholarships are administered by the Office of Financial Aid in collaboration with the Office of Institutional Advancement and various academic departments. These scholarships provide funding for Hood Grants.

Students must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for any need-based scholarship. Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis.


Established in 2000 by Allegheny Energy, Inc., the scholarship is awarded annually to a student based first on merit and then financial need.

Originally established in 1987 and modified in 2006 by Carol Lumb Allen ’59, emerita member and former chair of the Hood College Board of Trustees, and her mother, Caroline Finkenbinder Lumb ’30, the scholarship is awarded annually to students concentrating in the physical sciences, who have attained a high GPA and who show strong promise in her or his field of study. The award recognizes and encourages excellence in the pursuit of scientific knowledge and is based on merit. The scholarship may be granted to qualified incoming first-year students, to recognize and encourage their interest in the physical sciences, and may be renewed based on outstanding academic performance.

Established in 2002 by Martha Shortiss Allen ’59, an emerita member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with preference for a student concentrating in sociology.

A scholarship to be awarded annually to a student based on financial need, with preference given to those whose mother attended Hood.

Established in 1957 by H.K. Alwine in memory of Anna Hershey Alwine, the scholarship is awarded to a female member of the Christ Church, United Church of Christ, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, first, or second, a female member of the same denomination from Lancaster, Lebanon or Dauphin Counties (Pennsylvania).

Established in 2016 by Julane and Arthur Anderson, P'07, the scholarship is awarded annually to one student of junior or senior status with financial need majoring in social work and with a GPA of at least 3.0. The Andersons' daughter, Phoebe, is an alumna of the social work program from the Class of 2007.

Established in 2007 by Susan L. Whaley ’74 to honor the memory of her roommate, Marycatherine Anthony ’74, who was killed in an automobile accident in their freshman year. The scholarship is awarded annually to a junior or senior with a declared major in early childhood education or elementary/special education with a minimum GPA of 3.3; or a graduate student seeking a master’s in education with a concentration in these areas with a minimum GPA of 3.75. Also, the student shall have expressed the intent to actively teach early childhood, elementary or special education, and exhibit a sense of community, as evidenced by involvement in extracurricular activities. 

Established in 2018 by Sheila Seigal Asher ’53, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) who demonstrates academic excellence in early childhood education and is based upon achievement and financial need.

Established in 2022 by the Asian American Center of Frederick, the scholarship is awarded to a sophomore, junior or senior student of Asian ethnicity who has a minimum GPA of 3.0; is majoring in either nursing, social work or public health; exhibits campus leadership in any extracurricular area; and demonstrates financial need.

Established in 1961 through a bequest from Alice McCusker Barnard, Class of 1923, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) at the discretion of the College.

Established in 1982, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need and interested in dietetics, nutrition, nursing or public heath as a field of study.

Established in 1988 by Frank Beachley, Mariana's husband, the scholarship is awarded to a student(s) in the following order of preference: residents of Braddock Heights or Middletown, Maryland; residents of Frederick County, Maryland; or residents of Maryland. The scholarship may be renewed up to four years of undergraduate education, provided the student maintains good academic standing.

Established in 1963 through a bequest from Dr. Regena Cook Beck, Class of 1917, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) needing financial assistance, with preference given to students majoring in science.

Established in 1992 by Sue and Ross Benitez, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with preference given to students interested in math and/or the sciences.

Established in 1999 by Mary Louise Hester Bennett ’30 and her daughter, Elizabeth Bennett Wiegand ’60, an emerita member of the Hood College Board of Trustees and former chair of the Hood College Board of Associates, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with a preference for daughters of Hood alumnae.

Established in 1989 through a bequest from Nettie Coulbourne Bentley, Class of 1928, the scholarship is awarded annually to a music major at the discretion of the College.

Established in 2007 through the estate of Mildred K. Binder ’40 in memory of her sister, Muriel Binder ’33, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s).

Established in 1957 as a home economics scholarship by Frederick S. Bloom and his wife, Christine Moyer Bloom, Class of 1922, both former members of the Hood College Board of Associates, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student pursuing a bachelor's degree in a related field. 

Established in 2004 by the Hood College Board of Associates, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based first on merit and then financial need.

Established in 2012 by the Board of Associates, the scholarship is awarded to full-time, first-year students based on merit. Students who remain in good standing with the College are eligible for renewal of the scholarship each year thereafter.

Established in 1992 through a bequest from Grace Borgerding Hardy in honor of her sister-in-law, Betty Bruce Borgerding ’35, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) at the discretion of the College.

Established in 2006 by Jane Crilly Schultz ’60 in honor of her mother, Frances Good Crilly Bowers, Class of 1927, an emerita member of the Hood College Board of Trustees. The scholarship is awarded annually, based on merit, to a student(s) majoring in music, with a preference for a student(s) concentrating in piano pedagogy and who has demonstrated leadership qualities in high school or at Hood College if awarded after the first year.

Established in 1991 through a bequest from Olive L. Bowlin, Class of 1919, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s).

Each year, Hood College awards up to $20,000 in scholarships to students who demonstrate financial need and reside in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.

The Boyd Foundation continues the philanthropic legacy of Alexander and Jane Starke Boyd. Through its commitment to the residents of Dauphin County, the Boyd Foundation supports organizations that provide essential public services. The Foundation’s community partners expose students to arts and culture, while offering economic and educational opportunities.

Annually, Hood College awards a wide range of scholarships and awards upwards of $40M. One-hundred percent of our students receive some form of merit-based aid. All incoming students—first year and transfer—are automatically considered for these scholarships at the time of admission. This unique scholarship for Dauphin County students is awarded in addition to merit scholarships.

Established in 2013 by William H. Browning Jr. to be awarded annually to a transfer student(s) from a community college, with preference given to students transferring from Frederick Community College, and based upon financial need.

Established in 2019 through the estate of Laura Eaton Butler ’47, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) at Hood College with a GPA of at least 3.0.

Originally established in 2016 by David Fleischer and Judith E. Messina ’66, H’23, an emerita member of the Hood College Board of Trustees and chair from 2017-2023, with additional support for the fund provided by other board members, including Cynthia Newby ’67 through the Cheryl Kupper Irrevocable Trust, these full-tuition scholarships are awarded annually to outstanding first-year students who demonstrate academic excellence.

Established in 2024 in honor of President Andrea E. Chapdelaine, H'24, Ph.D., by members of the Hood College Board of Trustees who served during her tenure from 2015-24 in recognition of her nine years of visionary leadership and transformative service to the Hood community as the 11th president of the College, the scholarship shall be awarded annually to first-year student(s) with financial need who are identified as first-generation students (i.e., neither custodial parent(s) nor legal guardian(s) have a four-year bachelor's degree). The scholarship shall be renewable through the fourth year of enrollment at Hood College.

Established in 2006 by Vivian Velehradsky Reardon ’51 and Robert M. Reardon, M.D., the scholarship is named in recognition of Vivian’s nickname while at Hood. The scholarship is awarded to a student based upon financial need.

Established by friends and faculty at Hood College in honor of Martha E. Church, H’95, Hood’s seventh president (1975-95), the scholarship is awarded annually to international students enrolled at Hood College.

Established in 2014 through the estate of John Church in memory of his parents, Walter and Eleanor Church, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) who demonstrates financial need.

Established in 1986 by Rhea Robinson Claggett ’36 and her husband, B. Dulaney Claggett, in honor of their daughter, Mariamne Claggett Vickery ’80, the scholarship is awarded to a mature transfer student in good academic standing and competent to advise (under the direction of the chaplain) incoming transfers.

Established in 1982 by the Class of 1932 to commemorate their 50th class reunion, the scholarship is awarded annually, based on merit, to a worthy student.

Established in 1998 by the Class of 1948 to commemorate their 50th class reunion, the scholarship is awarded to a female student(s) candidate for a Bachelor of Arts who has completed two years at Hood and is entering her junior year. Student(s) must maintain a 3.0 GPA and uphold both the academic and social honor codes at Hood.

Established in 2002, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s) based on financial need.

Established in 2012 by the Class of 1962, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s) based on financial need.

Established in 2005 by the Class of 1967 in memory of their deceased classmates, the scholarship is awarded annually to a rising senior maintaining a minimum GPA of 3.5, with a major in a biology-related area and a preferred focus on genetic research. All other criteria being equal, the award is based on financial need.

Established in 2017 by the Class of 1968 to commemorate their 50th class reunion, the scholarship is awarded annually to one first-year student of African American or Hispanic ethnicity with a minimum high school GPA of 3.5 based on financial need.

Established in 2009 by the Class of 1969 in honor of their 40th class reunion, the scholarship is awarded annually to one or more students enrolled at Hood College.

Established in 1976, the scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time senior—traditional-aged and single—with a 3.0 GPA or above and declared as “independent” according to federal specifications.

Established in 1977, the scholarship is awarded to a rising senior who is full-time, single, with a 3.0 GPA or above and declared as “independent” according to federal specifications.

Established in 1978, the scholarship is awarded annually to a worthy and deserving student(s) based on financial need. 

Established in 1979, the scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student in need of financial assistance. 

Established in 1980, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) at the discretion of the College.

Established in 1982, the scholarship is to be awarded to a rising senior of an even-numbered class year who has shown outstanding leadership and service to the College. The recipient's financial status will be taken into consideration. The recipient of this scholarship will be determined by the president of the rising sophomore class, the registrar and the dean of students.

Established in 1984, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on both financial need and good academic standing.

Established in 1985, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s).

Established in 1946 by Mrs. Emory L. Coblentz and her five daughters as a memorial to her daughter and their sister, Mary Virginia Coblentz ’33. The scholarship is awarded annually to a student in music.

Established in 2024 by Anna Buhr Cole ’66, the scholarship shall be awarded annually to an undergraduate student with financial need who is a junior majoring in political science or history; the award shall be renewable for the senior year if the student remains eligible.

Established in 2014 through the estate of Ann Holler Cone ’38, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s) based on financial need.

Established in 2023 by the estate of Martha DeNeen Cotten, M.A.85, through the Martha and Whit Cotten Charitable Trust, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) with financial need.

Established in 1991 by the Cramer family: Edison and Daphne Cramer; their son John and daughter-in-law, Joyce Wiles Cramer ’55; and their granddaughters, Tracie Cramer Hovermale ’80 and Dawn Cramer Stein ’77. The scholarships are awarded annually to an undergraduate student in each of the four undergraduate classes. The awards are based on merit and given to a first-year and sophomore with an interest in business or economics, and a junior and senior majoring in business or economics. Once the award is made, they will continue to receive the award every year, provided they maintain at least a 2.75 overall GPA for the first two years or a 2.75 GPA in the major thereafter, and provided that they continue in the designated field of study. If the award should go to a descendant of Edison H. Cramer, the major and interest conditions shall be waived. 

Established in 2015 by the Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation in memory of Pauline Serafin and in honor of Ronald J. Volpe, H'15, Hood’s 10th president (2001-15). Father Crispo retired from Gannon College in Erie, Pennsylvania, as the director of the philosophy department and was passionate about the classical world, ancient Greece and Rome. The scholarship is awarded annually to a student studying classical Western philosophy.

Established in 1984 through a bequest from James S. Crist, the husband of Louise Foster Crist ’38, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s) based on financial need.

Established as a home economics scholarship in 1987 by Katharine E. Cutshall, Class of 1924, the scholarship is now awarded annually to a first-year student in a related field of study and is renewable each year upon evidence of satisfactory academic progress.

Established in 1999 by Adamadia Deforest ’55 in honor of her parents, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) concentrating in biomedical sciences and based on financial need, with preference for underrepresented students.

Established in 2007 by Delaplaine Foundation, Inc., the scholarship is awarded to one or more students and is based upon financial need and merit. The Delaplaine family’s relationship with the College dates back to its founding in 1893.

Established in 1987 by Judge Edward S. Delaplaine, a former member of the Hood College Board of Associates, the scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student(s) in good standing and may be renewed through the senior year.

Established in 1955 through a bequest from Robert E. Delaplaine, a former member of the Hood College Board of Associates, and augmented by gifts from Ruth M. Delaplaine, Class of 1906, the scholarship is awarded to a student considered most likely to succeed in the journalism profession.

Established in 1949 by William T. Delaplaine, a former member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, and Janie Quynn Delaplaine, Class of 1908, in memory of their son, Lt. William T. Delaplaine III, U.S.N. (1919-43), and their daughter, Eleanor Frances Delaplaine (1922-38), the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s).

Established in 1967 by friends in memory of Dona D. Ditty, Ph.D., former chair of the Hood College Department of Home Economics, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student based on financial need.

Established in 2019 by Ann Marie Roulette Downey ’77, the scholarship shall be awarded to students majoring in early childhood education.

Established in 2016 by Carolyn Embree Drake ’66, the scholarship shall be awarded annually to students of African American descent with financial need.

Established in 1993 and funded in 2024 through a bequest from J. William and Sarah Thomas Drenning ’49, the scholarship is awarded to a student(s) based upon financial need, with preference given to graduates of Frederick County, Maryland, high schools.

Established in 1992 by Nancy Hill Drew Picard ’58, the scholarship shall be awarded to a student(s) majoring in the sciences with an interest in environmental issues and shall be based upon financial need.

Established by Virginia Dyer Smith ’47 and her sister, Georgia Dyer Burnett ’45, the award is presented annually to a junior or senior with a minimum GPA of 2.5 who does not qualify for financial aid under federal terms yet has a genuine need. The award will be paid in return for either a campus job or an internship position which is otherwise unpaid.

Established in 2012 by a group of law and society and political science alumni to honor former faculty members Margery Elfin, Ph.D., Virginia E. Lewis Professor Emerita of Politics, and Carolyn Kawecki, instructor of political science, the scholarship is awarded annually to a junior female student(s) majoring in political science and demonstrating academic excellence.

Established in 1993 by Louise Woodcock McCrery ’39 and her husband, John B. McCrery, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need.

Established in 1996 by Mary Ellen Deputy Fowler ’33, the sister of Helen Kirk Deputy Ellis, Class of 1927, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) majoring in, or who plans to major in, a foreign language. 

Established in 1995 by Mr. and Mrs. Gustavus J. Esselen III. The family includes the late Gustavus J. Esselen III, an emeritus member of the Hood College Board of Associates, his wife, Marjorie Boucher Esselen, and their daughters, Joan Esselen Foot ’69 and Jane Esselen Blocker ’72. The scholarship is awarded annually to a student who is an American citizen and in the top 10 percent of her high school class. She will volunteer at least 20 hours per semester in the Frederick community while at Hood.

Established in 1957 with funds received from the former Evangelical and Reformed Church after it merged to form the United Church of Christ, the scholarships are awarded annually to deserving students.

Established in 1918 by the friends of Sally Conrad Fauntleroy, a member of the Hood College faculty, as a “tribute to her faithful and brilliant service while at the college” (The Frederick Post, June 13, 1918), the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) who excels “in the courses of the Speech Division” in the English department.

Established in 1988 by Alden E. Fisher, a charter member of the Hood College Board of Associates, and Harriet K. Fisher, the scholarship is awarded annually through the Community Foundation of Frederick County, Inc., to deserving students with financial need who are residents of Frederick County, Maryland, with preference given to transfer students from Frederick Community College.

Established in 1982 by Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Fisher in honor of their daughter, Karen Louise Fisher ’77, and augmented in 1990 by a bequest from Lawrence Fisher, the scholarship is awarded annually to a qualified female student from Pennsylvania who has demonstrated financial need. In the absence of a qualified Pennsylvania student, the scholarship may be awarded to a female student from another state.

Established in 1993 by J. Edward and Ann Usher Frantz in memory of their daughter, Jennifer Ann Frantz ’97, who died in an automobile accident during her first year at Hood. The scholarship is awarded annually to student(s) based upon financial need, with preference given to a first-year student.

Established by the trustees of the Frederick Female Seminary upon its closing in 1893, the scholarship is awarded to Frederick County, Maryland, students, based on academic achievement and financial need, with the approval of the Frederick County Board of Education.

Established in 2020 by Stuart A. Freudberg, the scholarship is awarded annually to an undergraduate student studying sustainability or environmental science based on financial need and/or merit.

Established in 2022 by Lois Geib, associate dean of students at Hood College from 1979 to 1993, the scholarship shall be awarded annually to a student with significant financial need, with preference given to a student who is in the first generation of their family to attend college and/or is a member of an historically underrepresented or marginalized population.

Established in 1993 by Elizabeth A. Geiser ’47 in memory of her mother, Margaret R. Geiser, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based upon financial need, with preference given to students in good academic standing.

Established by the Hood College Board of Trustees for deserving students. 

Established in 1987 by Anne Giles Whitman ’52, the scholarship is awarded annually to assist worthy students with preference given to majors in education or early childhood education.

Established in 1997 by M. Fredrica Godshalk ’65, M.D., in honor of Helen V. Knorr ’65, a classmate who died of breast cancer at the age of 34. The scholarship shall be awarded to a student(s) based upon financial need, with a preference given to those students preparing for a career as a medical doctor, nurse, physical therapist or paramedic.

Established in 2011 by Ardine O. Gorden, the scholarship is awarded first to undergraduate students majoring in music; next, to undergraduate students minoring in music; and thereafter, to students who demonstrate musical talent.

Established in 2022 by the Greater Washington Partnership to provide scholarship support to diverse student populations, with a preference for those who are underrepresented in the digital tech profession.

Established in 1945 by Dr. Wellington D. Griesemer in honor of his wife, Edith Hahn Griesemer, Class of 1908, and his daughters, Ella Catherine Griesemer Martindale ’36 and Alice Griesemer Williams ’41, in gratitude for the scholarship his wife had been given as an orphan of a Reformed Church minister, the scholarship is awarded annually to students in early childhood education.

Established in 2003 by William H. Browning Jr. in memory of Gloria M. Grossnickle, to be awarded annually to a transfer student(s) from a community college, with preference given to students transferring from Frederick Community College, and based upon financial need.

Established in 1998 by her son, David C. Hancock, with additional funds from James W. Hancock and Martha Hancock Seibert, in memory of their mother, Ann Coulter Hancock ’40. The scholarship is awarded annually to a Maryland high school graduate(s) concentrating in education or social sciences, based on need, with preference given to any graduates of Maryland Eastern Shore high schools. Continuing students shall maintain a minimum GPA of 2.4.

Established in 1979 by Julia E. Hanna, Class of 1919, and John H. Hanna Jr. in memory of Anna Trail Harding, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) who has a demonstrated academic ability and is based on financial need. First consideration should be given to residents of Frederick County, Maryland, and secondly, to other applicants who reside in Maryland.

Established in 1991 by Anne Keet Hanson ’34, a former member of the Hood College Board of Associates, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need.

Established in 2007 by Marlene Grossnickle Young ’76, H’14, P'09, and Michael S. Young, P'09, in honor of Marlene's former teacher and lifelong friend, Virginia Shaver Harshman ’41, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) concentrating in education and is based on financial need and academic merit.

Established in 1999 by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) who intends to permanently reside in the United States after completing his/her/their studies.

Established in 1964 through a bequest from Lizzie S. Heckle of Myersdale, Pennsylvania, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s) based on financial need.

Established in 2021 by Carole King Heine ’84 and her husband, Steve, the scholarship shall be awarded annually to a deserving student with financial need who has demonstrated consistent leadership with student activities such as clubs, teams, student government and/or residential life.

Established in 2009 by The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation, the scholarship, in recognition of President Ronald J. Volpe’s dedicated service, is awarded annually to a student(s) majoring in philosophy or engineering and is based upon merit.

Established in 2023 in memory of Barbara Hetrick, a former professor of sociology and vice president and dean of academic affairs at Hood College from 1973 to 1995, by her husband, Doug Peterson, the scholarship shall be awarded annually to a female undergraduate student based upon financial need.

Established in 1989 by R. Byard Hires and friends, in honor of his wife, Carol Schulthess Hires ’68, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s) based on financial need, with preference given to those concentrating in French or with an interest in the French language, literature or culture.

Established in 2016 by M. Beth Costello Hobby ’67, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student with financial need majoring in art with a concentration in studio art and a GPA of at least 3.0.

Established in 2022 by The Hodson Trust to provide scholarships for up to four years to full-time undergraduate students enrolled at Hood College who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement, character and school/community citizenship. Among the scholarships provided for by this fund, six are named for former Hodson trustees: Charles W. Bower, Robert C. Clark, Eileen D. Dickey, Gerald L. Holm, Daniel R. O'Brien and Keith L. Pladsen.

Established in 1991 through a bequest from Jean Hoffmeier Roggi ’36 in memory of her mother, Nettie McCardell Hoffmeier, Class of 1898, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student.

Established in 1991 by Charles J. Hoke in honor of his parents, H.G. Hoke and Lulu Gall Hoke, a member of the Class of 1906, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student.

Established in 1992 by Arlene Utz Hollinger ’37, a former member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with a preference given to students with immediate family members (parents, spouses or children) employed for at least five years by Utz Foods of Hanover, Pennsylvania, during the period of family ownership. Secondary preference will be given to students whose families are members of St. Mark's Lutheran Church of Hanover, Pennsylvania, or students from the general Hanover area.

Established by J. Wesley and Dorothy Tillou in memory of their daughter, Carolyn Tillou Holran ’60, who died in 1971, the scholarship is awarded annually to a female first-year student and continued for her sophomore, junior and senior years, provided she continues to be in financial need, her academic report is satisfactory and she does not transfer to a program of study off Hood’s campus.

 Established by the Hood College Fathers’ Club, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student.

Established in 1993 by Robert G. Hooper in honor of his father, J. Harold Hooper, who served as Hood’s vice president for finance and treasurer from 1949 to 1973 and who died in 1992, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with preference given to students majoring in economics and management, with first consideration given to Frederick County, Maryland, students.

Established in 1984 by U. Mehrl and Margaret Hooper in memory of their daughter, Sharon I. Hooper ’58, a gifted musician who died in 1983, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based first on musical ability and second on financial need. First preference is given to keyboard musicians, then to any music major; second preference is given to education majors.

Established in 1978 by the Class of 1951 in memory of their classmate, Nancy Hoskins Houston ’51, the scholarship is awarded annually to a rising junior majoring in sociology and active in campus life (particularly the Hood theatre program), with preference given first to residents of West Chester, Pennsylvania, and next, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Established in 2019 by Jane B. Olsen ’76, M.A.’78, in memory of her late wife, Judith M. Howe ’76, the scholarship shall be awarded to first-year students who demonstrate academic excellence and may be renewed based on financial need and academic performance.

Established by the Warner-Lambert Company, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student.

Established in 1990 by Arthur D. Hunger Jr. and his wife, Josephine T. Hunger ’40, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with a preference given to students concentrating in a field related to home economics.

Established in 1981 through a bequest from Gretchen Huttle Game, Class of 1925, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s) in need of financial assistance.

Established by the friends, classmates and family of Janice R. Hylen ’78 after her death in 1979, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) in need of financial assistance.

Established in 2020 by A. Karen Blair ’70 in memory of her former classmate and friend, Karin Ninesling Infuso ’70, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) demonstrating financial need who is majoring in English or education and maintains at least a 3.0 GPA.

Originally established in 2015 by Bernard Jaar in memory of his grandmother, Marguerite Jaar, to support students in the Hood College Music Department Preparatory Program, the fund was repurposed in 2022 to support undergraduate students with financial need pursuing applied music opportunities with Hood College faculty.

Established in 2018 by Mary Rife James ’70 and Michael A. James, the scholarship shall be awarded annually to a student(s) majoring in English who demonstrates financial need.

Established in 2018 by Mary Rife James ’70 and Michael A. James, the scholarship shall be awarded annually to a student(s) majoring in nursing who demonstrates financial need.

Established in 2018 by Joslin Cook Ruffle ’65 in memory of her classmate, Lynne Reagan Johnson ’65, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student pursuing a degree in early childhood education who demonstrates academic excellence.

Established in 1993 through the proceeds of a trust from Dorothy Richardson Jones ’31, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s).

Established in 1992 and funded in 2001 through a bequest by Mary Frear Keeler, Ph.D., dean emerita of the faculty who died in 1999, the scholarship is awarded annually to student(s) based on financial need, with preference given to students with a special interest in English or European history.

Established in 1981 through a bequest from Daniel F. Kelly Jr. in memory of his wife, Miriam F. Winebrener Kelly ’34, a former member of the Hood College Board of Associates, the scholarship is awarded annually to a worthy student.

Established in 1983 by Mrs. James Kempthorne in memory of her daughter, Joan Kempthorne ’54, who died in 1955, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student.

Established in 1990 by Dr. Jean Kerschner ’43 in memory of her aunt, Carrie M. Kerschner, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need.

Established in 2021 by the Kiwanis Club of Frederick, the scholarship is awarded annually through the Community Foundation of Frederick County, Inc., to an incoming first-year student, sophomore, or junior (including transfer students) living in Maryland who demonstrates financial need. The scholarship is renewable based on academic performance.

Established in 2021 by Dr. Karen Klisch, professor emerita of physical education, in memory of her parents, Marion and Bill Klisch. The scholarship shall be awarded annually, based on financial need, to a student who is a biological female and identifies as female, is a first-generation college student and is majoring in the sciences but embraces the liberal arts.

Established in 2019 by Dr. Karen Klisch, professor emerita of physical education, and Dr. Anne L. Simonsen, former assistant professor of physical education, the scholarship is awarded annually, based on financial need, to a student who is a biological female and identifies as female, is a first-generation college student and is either a person of color/non-Caucasian or a person with a sexual orientation other than heterosexual.

Established in 2012 by Regina Kurbyweit Schmidt '45, P'70, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) who demonstrates academic excellence and is based upon financial need.

Established in 2020 by Christine Lundt Lambertus '69, the scholarship shall be awarded annually to a student(s) based upon financial need.

Established in 1993 by Phoebe Land Matz ’38, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with preference given to the children of teachers.

Established in 1999 through a bequest from Hilda C. Landers, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need and academic merit.

Established in 1991 through a bequest from Elizabeth Ruth Langert ’38, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with a preference given to students concentrating in or with a special interest in German, history, sociology or genetics.

Established in 2000 by Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Langie Jr., the scholarship is awarded annually to a female resident student(s) based on financial need and academic achievement, with a preference for a student concentrating in mathematics or mathematics and computer science. The award is to remain with the student for as long as she is enrolled at Hood and maintains a 3.0 GPA.

Established in 1951 by the McFeely-Rogers Foundation in honor of James H. Rogers, a former member of the Hood College Board of Trustees and the Hood College Board of Associates, and the father of television personality Fred Rogers, the scholarship is awarded annually to a qualified graduate of (first) Greater Latrobe Senior High School or (second) Westmoreland County or (third) to any student.

Established in 1972 by the Charles A. Lauffer Trust in memory of Charles A. and Mathilde Helen Titzel Lauffer, Class of 1899, the scholarship is awarded annually to a worthy student(s) needing financial aid.

Established in 1996 through a bequest from Lillian Zeigler Lavetan, Class of 1918, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) from York County, Pennsylvania, based on financial need.

Established in 1996 through a bequest from Lillian Zeigler Lavetan, Class of 1918, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need.

Established in 1968 through a bequest from Adele Edmunds Levering, Class of 1914, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) needing financial assistance.

Established by Frederick Weir Levering, a former member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) needing financial assistance.

Established in 2009 by Margaret Lewis Christensen ’52 in loving memory of her mother, Margaret Loudon Lewis, who was a woman of courage and integrity, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) who demonstrates academic excellence and is based on financial need.

Established in 2021 through the estates of Ann Lewis Snyder ’49 and her husband, Bill, an emeritus member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, the fund honors the memory of the Snyders and Ann’s parents, Bert S. and Mary H. Lewis. The scholarship is awarded annually to students who are undergraduates in good standing, with preference to be given to Maryland and Pennsylvania high school graduates. It may be renewed through the senior year.

Established in 1956 through a bequest from Charles J. Little, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s).

Established in 1979 by The Loats Foundation (associated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Frederick, Maryland), the scholarship is awarded annually to a worthy student(s) from Frederick County, Maryland, with preference given to traditional-age students. Priority is given to undergraduates who are (first) orphans or are/were foster care recipients, (second) have financial need, (third) have good grades and (fourth) plan to pursue a public service career.

Established in 1979 by Lois Long Harley ’45, the scholarship is awarded exclusively to graduates of Westmont-Upper Yoder High School, Westmont (Johnstown), Pennsylvania; or Fox Chapel Area High School or Shady Side Academy, Fox Chapel (Pittsburgh), Pennsylvania.

Established in 1994 by BioWhittaker, Inc., the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) interested in the sciences.

Established in 2013 by Margaret Lewis Christensen ’52 in loving memory of her aunt, Janet B. Loudon, who was a woman of honor and devotion, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) who demonstrates academic excellence and is based on financial need.

Established in 1995 by the Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation, Inc., the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) in need of financial assistance.

Established in 1995 by Sara Lowe Robinson Bitler ’46 in memory of her mother, Ethel Lowe Robinson, Class of 1915, and in memory of her aunt, Edith Lowe Thomas ’31, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need.

Established in 2018 by Sharon and Jay Mahaffey, P’15, in honor of their son, Stephen T. Mahaffey ’15, and in appreciation of scholarship support he received that was made possible by Naomi Parker Ballard ’49, the scholarship shall be awarded to a student with a GPA of at least 3.0 who is facing unexpected financial need.

Established in 2012 through the estate of Evelyn Barrick Mahoney ’34, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) who demonstrates academic excellence and is based on financial need.

Established in 1995 by Noel and RoseAnn Lester in honor of RoseAnn’s brother, the late William Markow, the scholarship is awarded annually to  one deserving student who is a string player (first), pianist (second) or clarinetist (third) based on merit and the student’s musical ability and potential.

Established in 2011 through the estate of Margery Taylor Thompson ’42 and her husband, Leonard, in memory of Margery’s sister, Esther Taylor Marshall ’35, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need.

Established in 2019 by Mark D. Chilton, P11, a member of the Hood College Board of Associates, on behalf of the Maryland Society for Disabled Children and Adults, the scholarship is awarded annually to a junior or senior student majoring in a health-related field who exhibits academic excellence and financial need, with a preference for a student who plans to pursue a career in physical or occupational therapy.

Established in 1991 by Timothy S. May, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s) based on financial need, with preference to students from Frederick County, Maryland, who are concentrating in business or management.

Established originally in 1997 in memory of Susan McAlpine Garrett ’47 by Susan’s family: her sister, Margaret McAlpine Ladd ’46, and husband, Col. James V.K. Ladd; her brother, Harrison McAlpine Jr.; and her husband, Robert L. Garrett. The name of the scholarship was expanded to include Margaret’s name following her death in 2003. The scholarship is awarded annually to a Frederick County, Maryland, high school graduate with an established academic and leadership record.

Established in 1994 by the late Robert C. McCardell, an emeritus member of the Hood College Board of Associates, and his brother, the late Adrian L. McCardell, Jr., the scholarship is awarded annually through the Community Foundation of Frederick County, Inc., to Frederick County, Maryland, residents. The McCardell name has been associated with Hood since its founding in 1893. A. C. McCardell, their grandfather, was one of the five founders of the College; their sister, Claire, was a 1927 alumna; and Adrian’s wife, Phyllis, was a 1945 graduate.

Established in 2009 by Elinor F. Herndon McCarty ’60 and William A. McCarty Jr., the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based upon financial need and academic good standing of a 3.0 GPA.

Established in 1994 by Essie McCutcheon Smith ’40 and Joe Mauk Smith in memory of sisters Jessie McCullagh Smith, Class of 1909, Helen McCullagh McCutcheon, Class of 1914, and Amy McCullagh Davis, Class of 1922, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with preference given to family descendants.

Established in the late 1960s by Richard C. McCurdy, emeritus member and former chair of the Hood College Board of Trustees, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with preference given to American students.

Established in 2007 by Audrey Heyman Rooney ’60 in memory of her former professor, mentor and friend, the late Rev. Paul F. Mehl, associate professor of religion and philosophy at Hood College, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) concentrating in philosophy and/or religion, based on financial need.

Established in 2020 by Anne Merrick Vosti ’58, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) with financial need.

Established in 1969 by John D. Meyer, an emeritus member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, the scholarship is awarded annually to a resident student(s) based on financial need.

Established in 2020 by Eryk Nice and his wife, Robin, in honor of his mother, Joyce Michaud, professor emerita of art and founder and former director of the ceramic arts program at Hood College, the scholarship is awarded annually to a graduate student pursuing a degree or certificate in ceramic arts (first), any graduate student taking ceramics or studio art coursework (second) or an undergraduate student minoring or concentrating in studio art (third).

Established in 2015 by The Middendorf Foundation, Inc., the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student who would not otherwise pursue a nursing education due to the cost of tuition.

Established in 1993 by Janis Miller Wertheimer, Class of 1929, in memory of her aunt, Nettie Morton Miller, Class of 1908, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with preference given to students residing in Frederick County, Maryland, with a special interest in a teaching career but not restricted to this discipline. Special consideration is given to graduates of Frederick Community College.

Established in 1999 by Leonard P. Harris, an emeritus member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, and his wife, Melva L. Harris, in honor of their daughter, Lorie Harris Morrell ’84, the scholarship is awarded annually to an achieving student(s) who demonstrates academic excellence and is majoring in a science, based on financial need.

Established in 2018 by Mary Cockram Morse 64 in her name and in memory of Joanne Ezzard Barksdale, professor emerita of home economics, the scholarship is awarded annually to a sophomore, junior or senior student(s) based on financial need. Professor Ezzard interviewed Mary for admission to Hood College, and in January 1962, Mary sang at Joannes wedding to Tom Barksdale, after taking voice lessons at Hood.

Established in 1983 by John C. Motter Sr., an emeritus member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, the scholarship is awarded based upon financial need.

Established in 1996 by Gail Mullison Osburn ’69, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) concentrating in English, based first on merit and then financial need.

Established in 1984 by Charles F. Murphy, the scholarship is awarded annually to a worthy and deserving student(s) who resides in the Frederick area; the student may be part-time or full-time.

Established in 2013 through the estate of Margaret S. Neely, assistant professor emerita of chemistry, the scholarship is awarded annually to a distinguished student(s) majoring in chemistry. Mrs. Neely taught at Hood from 1942 to 1981.

Established in 2013 through the estate of Margaret S. Neely, assistant professor emerita of chemistry, in memory of her husband, Wayne C. Neely, Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology, the scholarship is awarded annually to a distinguished student(s) majoring in sociology. Neely taught at Hood from 1933 to 1972; he died in 1994.

Established by Eleanor MacMillan Nelson ’32, an emerita member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) in the English department, based on financial need.

Established in 2006 by Elisabeth Farber Neubauer ’45, the scholarship is awarded annually to an academically deserving female student(s) based on financial need.

Established in 1990 the scholarship is awarded annually to an underrepresented student(s) from the greater New York area.

Established in 2014 by Charles A. Nicodemus, H’05, an emeritus member of the Hood College Board of Trustees and Kathryn Zimmerman Nicodemus, H’05, the scholarship is awarded annually to a graduate(s) from Walkersville High School and is based upon financial need.

Established in 2006 by Charles A. Nicodemus, H’05, an emeritus member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, and Kathryn Zimmerman Nicodemus, H’05, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) studying music, with preference given to student(s) from Walkersville and then Frederick County, Maryland, based on financial need.

Established in 2012 through the estate of Stephanie Lundy Normann ’56, the scholarship is awarded annually to a Hood College student(s) who demonstrates financial need.

Established in 1999 by Brigitte and Goetz Oertel in honor of their children, Ines M. Oertel ’96 and Carsten Oertel, the scholarship shall be awarded annually to a student(s) concentrating in the arts and sciences and shall be based upon outstanding merit.

Established in 2019 by Colonel C. James Olson (USA Ret.), a member of the Hood College Board of Associates, and his wife, Sarah, the scholarship shall be awarded annually to a junior student majoring in sustainability who demonstrates academic excellence and financial need, with a preference for a student who exhibits a passion for agriculture.

Established by Jessie Spielman Omwake, the scholarship is awarded to a deserving student.

Established in 1986 through a bequest from S. Edith White Osmun, Class of 1918, the scholarship is awarded annually to a worthy and deserving student(s).

Established in 1997 through a bequest from J. Elyse Pade ’54, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need and scholarship ability, with preference given to students preparing for a career in teaching at the secondary level.

Established in 1992 by Dillwyn P. Paiste III in memory and honor of the strong friendship developed at Hood between his wife, Elizabeth Walton Paiste ’32, and Ethel Hobson Auf der Heyde ’32, the scholarship is awarded annually to two students based on financial need, with preference given to seniors who might not complete their degree without aid.

Established in 2006 by Cheryl D. Parrott, M.A.'06, H'09, in memory of her mother, Audrey, the scholarship is awarded annually to one undergraduate student who is in need of financial assistance and who is majoring in, minoring in or has successfully completed a minimum of 12 credit hours of coursework in foreign languages. If no undergraduate student is eligible, the scholarship may be awarded to a graduate student who has a record of high academic achievement in the humanities graduate program.

Established in 1997 by her husband, Richard B. Patterson, and her children, Linda Patterson Morris, Richard Bruce Patterson Jr. and Michael E. Patterson, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) concentrating in computer science, based on merit and financial need.

Established in 1990 by Barbara Mertz, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on writing ability and financial need. The purpose of this fund is to encourage underrepresented women to enter the field of writing, with the hope that they might consider a career that focuses on the genre of the mystery novel. Strong preference will be given to a student from an underrepresented background, particularly if she has exhibited both a potential ability and an interest in writing. Scholarship awards will be prioritized first for undergraduate students selected by the English department faculty and then for graduate students selected by the creative writing MFA program faculty.

Established in 2000 in honor of Shirley D. Peterson, president of Hood College from 1995 to 2000, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) who is highly motivated and who shows exceptional promise, based on financial need.

Established in 2006 by Beryl Pfizer ’49, the scholarship is awarded annually to a junior declaring a minor in drama and theatre and is based on financial need; the award is renewable for the senior year, based on academic standing. The award is made in consultation with the director of Hood’s theatre program and the English department faculty.

Established in 1998 through a bequest from Roy H. Pollack in memory of Margaret Jones Pollock ’49, the scholarship is awarded annually to a junior or senior who demonstrates academic excellence, good character, interest and involvement in extracurricular activities, and financial need.

Established in 1958 by Sylvia F. Porter, H’58, a New York Post financial columnist, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) majoring in economics or whose work in economics gives promise of future achievement in this field; if no candidate is recommended by the School of Business, then to any deserving student.

Established in 1993 through a bequest from Octavia M. Power ’30, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student.

Established in 1988 through a bequest from Dorothy Houck Pugh ’36, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s).

Established in 1990 by Ruth Ridgway Vaurio ’40 to honor the late James B. Ranck, Hood College professor emeritus of history and political science, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with preference given to students concentrating in political science or with a special interest in public service.

Established in 2016 by Philip S. Renaud II, M.S.’83, the scholarship is awarded annually to undergraduate students with financial need majoring in business administration or accounting and to graduate students with financial need in the Master of Business Administration program.

Established in 2006 by the Nora Roberts Foundation, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) concentrating in English or theatre and drama, and is based upon merit and financial need.

Established in 2013 by Beryl Pfizer ’49 in memory of her longtime friend, Andy Rooney, the iconic radio and television writer best known for his weekly segment on the television program "60 Minutes," the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) who demonstrates outstanding potential in writing and is based upon financial need.

Established in 1962 by Harry A. Rosenfeld, the scholarship is awarded to a student who resides in Frederick County, Maryland, shows promise of unusual academic achievement and civic contribution, and is in need of financial assistance. The award may be divided among two or more students in any given year.

Established in 1989 through a bequest from Charlotte Snyder Rupner, Class of 1918, the scholarship is awarded to a needy and deserving student.

Established in memory of Margaret Thomas Russell ’42, who died in 1998, the scholarship is awarded to a music student.

Established in 2009 by Gretchen Howe Russo ’63, the scholarship shall be awarded annually to junior- or senior-level students for outstanding academic achievement in political science, sociology or economics. Preference shall be given to students of single parents.

Established in 2021 by Mick O'Leary and Jan Samet O'Leary in loving memory of her late husband, Tom, a scholar and teacher who served as Hood's vice president for academic affairs and dean of the faculty from 1995 to 2000, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student who is studying any of the humanities and is based upon financial need and academic merit.

Established in 2002 by Jane Sanner Hartman, Elizabeth Sanner Williamson and Robert Sanner in honor and memory of their mother, Patricia Feiser Sanner ’38, a former member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) who expresses an intention to major in a science-related field and is based first on merit and residency in Frederick County, Maryland, and second, financial need.

Established in 1953 in memory of Myrtle Annis Scott by her husband, Arthur P. Scott, a former member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, and her son, David A. Scott, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) whose work in the English department has been outstanding; or, if no candidate is presented by the English department, then the scholarship shall be awarded to any deserving student.

Established in 1998 following the death of Kimberly Ann Servedio ’99 during her junior year, the scholarship is awarded annually to a worthy student(s).

Established in 2009 by John C. George, professor emeritus of education and former chair of the Department of Education at Hood College, in honor of Elizabeth Ann Seton, founder of the American Sisters of Charity, founder of the first free Catholic school for girls in America and the first person born in the United States to become a canonized saint, the scholarship is awarded to a student(s) interested in majoring in education and is based upon financial need and/or merit.

Established in 1991 by Gordon B. Shelton in honor of his mother, Helen Burton Shelton ’40, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with a preference given to students interested in languages or sociology.

Established in 2010 by The George L. Shields Foundation, Inc., the scholarship is awarded to a student(s) from Frederick County, Maryland, interested in nursing and is based upon merit and then upon financial need.

Established in 2018 by Martha Hearn Shimano ’86, a former member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, and her husband, Kozo, the scholarship is awarded annually to international students attending high school in the United States who may not be eligible for federal and/or state financial aid.

Established in 2009 by the Plamondon Companies in memory of Lori A.G. Shipley ’97, director of human resources for the Plamondon Companies and chair of the Hood College Board of Associates, who died in 2009 in a car accident, the scholarship is awarded to a student majoring in management with an interest in human resources and is based upon financial need.

Established in 1989 by Alfred P. Shockley, an emeritus member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, and his wife, Patricia A. Shockley, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with preference given to students from Frederick County, Maryland.

Established in 1989 by Shirley J. and F. Lawrence Silbernagel, an emeritus member of the Hood College Board of Associates, the scholarship is awarded through the Community Foundation of Frederick County, Inc., to a worthy student who is a resident of Maryland.

Established in 1988 by Alice Eisenacher Smith ’33, the scholarship is awarded to a deserving student with financial need.

Established in 2021 by Jewel Smith '96, the scholarship shall be awarded annually to a first-year student from an underrepresented or indigenous group, who demonstrates financial need and academic merit, and resides in Calvert County, Maryland; St. Mary’s County, Maryland; Charles County, Maryland; or Queen Anne’s County, Maryland.

An established scholarship awarded to a deserving student with financial need.

 Established in 1988 by Ruth Yost Snyder ’36, the scholarship is awarded to a worthy student.

Established in 1994 by Sonya Solosko Baum ’59 in honor of her parents, the scholarship is awarded to that student in political science who shows the best understanding of the "American Democratic Ideal."

Established in 1987 by Beulah Munshower Sommer ’44, an emerita member of the Hood College Board of Associates, in memory of her husband, John G. Sommer, the scholarship is awarded to students in computer science who are in good academic standing.

Established in 2018 by George F. Southworth in memory of his wife, Lorene Myers Southworth ’48, the scholarship is awarded annually, based upon financial need, to a junior or senior student majoring in psychology with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Established in 1986 by the Class of 1962 to honor William H. Sprigg, professor emeritus of music, the scholarship is awarded to deserving organ or piano students with financial need, who may be either full-time or part-time, depending upon who is most qualified.

Established by friends in honor of former Hood College President Henry I. Stahr (1934-48), the scholarship is awarded annually to a resident undergraduate student who demonstrates outstanding academic achievement and contributes to the quality of student life through participation in extracurricular activities or community service.

Established in 1990 through a bequest from Mary Staley, a Frederick resident and long-time friend of the College, and named at the request of her brothers, John H. Staley Jr. and Ira B. Staley, in memory of their parents, the scholarship, based on financial need, is awarded annually to one or more juniors or seniors who have a special interest in music.

Established in 2012 through the estate of Eleanor Caswell Stanley ’33 and Kenneth N. Stanley, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based upon financial need and merit.

Established by Martha B. Steckel in honor of her sister, Frances Steckel, Class of 1898, the scholarship is awarded to a student in the music department who is in need of financial assistance.

Established in 1960 through a bequest from Virginia Geddert Stone ’40, the scholarship is awarded annually to one or more students majoring in English.

Established in 1996 by Louise Kling Tefft ’37, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based upon financial need.

Established in 1976 by James C. Terwilliger in memory of his wife, Helen Kelly Terwilliger, Class of 1927, and her mother, Edith M. Kelly, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student based on financial need.

Established in 2024 by Deborah Eaton Thackston ’79, P’11, P’20, the scholarship shall be awarded annually, based on financial need, to a junior student majoring in education with a minimum GPA of 3.0; the award is renewable for the senior year if the student continues to meet the eligibility criteria.

Established in 1957 by Clyde E. Thomas, emeritus member and former chair of the Hood College Board of Trustees, and Julia E. Thomas, Class of 1914, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) who has done outstanding work in chemistry (first) or science/mathematics (second), with preference given to females and Montgomery County, Maryland, residents.

Established in memory of the late G. Frank Thomas, a former member of the Hood College Board of Associates, the scholarship is awarded annually to a worthy student(s) from Frederick County, Maryland.

Established in 1978 through the bequest of Frances Allene Thomas Mullen, Class of 1924, in memory of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L. Thomas, and her husband, Charles L. Mullen, the scholarship is awarded annually to student(s) from Frederick County, Maryland, or the nearby area.

Established in 1992 by Dr. William H. Thomas Jr., a former member of the Hood College Board of Associates, with Bradley Barrick Thomas ’41 added to the name of the scholarship upon her death in 2002, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need, with preference given to students who have a special interest in the sciences.

Established in 2017 by Donna Tisdale and the Honorable John H. Tisdale, a member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, the scholarship is awarded annually, based on financial need, to a student(s) transferring from Frederick Community College to Hood College to study nursing (first), to a nurse(s) employed at Frederick Health Hospital completing the BSN program at Hood College (second) or to a Frederick County, Maryland, resident(s) studying nursing at Hood College (third).

Established in 2018 by Mary Frances Gaver Trunk ’64 and Charles F. Trunk III, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) concentrating in early childhood development based on financial need and merit.

Established in 2001 by the Class of 1953 in celebration of their 50th Class Reunion (represented by Faustena Fradd Vahsen ’53 and Johanna Chait Essex ’53) in honor of Andrew G. Truxal, former president of Hood College (1948-61), the scholarship is awarded annually to a female student(s) concentrating in the field of sociology who has completed two years at Hood and is entering her junior year. The student must maintain a 3.0 GPA and uphold both the academic and social honor codes at Hood College.

Established in 2011 by sisters Johanna Van Wert Thompson ’67, Punkie Van Wert VanAs ’69 and Susie Van Wert Loustaunau ’72, the scholarship is awarded to a sophomore, female student(s) who is a U.S. citizen, demonstrates academic excellence with a GPA of 3.0 or higher and exhibits campus leadership in any extracurricular area(s). The scholarship shall be continued through her senior year so long as she remains eligible.

Established in 1959 through a bequest from Florence Lee Vanderford and her sister, Clara L. Cassell, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Vanderford, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) in need of financial assistance, with preference given to applicants who are members of the United Church of Christ and residents of Carroll County, Maryland.

Established in 1995 through a bequest from L. Marie VanHise ’49, the scholarship is to be used for a scholarship to help worthy young women with financial need obtain an education.

Established in 2022 by Mary Frances Gaver Trunk ’64 in memory of her sister, Shirley Gaver Viviano ’57, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s) based on financial need.

Established in 2004 by Pearl Walker ’32, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) based on financial need who is interested in majoring in mathematics.

Established in 2005, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) from the greater Washington County, Maryland, area (first) or from nearby communities considered to be within the sphere of influence of the Community Foundation of Washington County MD, Inc. (i.e., Martinsburg, West Virginia; Boonsboro, Maryland; Waynesboro, Pennsylvania). The scholarship is named in honor of John M. Waltersdorf, an emeritus member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, and the Richard A. Henson family.

Established in 1958 through a bequest from Dorothy Warehime Lewis, Class of 1917, the scholarship is awarded annually to a worthy student(s) in need of financial assistance.

Established in 1993 by Josephine E. Weagly ’35 in memory of her sister, Louise A. Weagly ’30, the scholarship will be awarded annually to student(s) of sophomore status or greater, on basis of financial need, with preference given to women preparing to teach math.

Established in 1988 through a bequest from Margaret Wehler, Class of 1918, in honor of her sister, Katherine Wehler, Class of 1916, and several cousins who attended Hood, the scholarship is awarded to a deserving student in need of financial assistance, with preference given to students from Frederick County, Maryland.

Established in 1988 by Dr. John H. Weinberger in honor of his wife, Sarah Patton Weinberger ’32, the scholarship is awarded to one or more students majoring in biology.

Established in 1991 and funded in 2002 through a bequest from Janis Miller Wertheimer, Class of 1929, an emerita member of the Hood College Board of Associates, the scholarship is awarded annually to students based upon financial need and scholastic ability, with preference given to students residing in Frederick County, Maryland, with a special interest in history or English but not restricted to these disciplines.

Established in 2012 by Dr. Olivia G. White, H'20, former vice president for student life and dean of students at Hood College, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student based upon financial need.

Established in 2021 by Charlotte Sizoo Whitenight ’68, a member of the Hood College Board of Trustees, the scholarship shall be awarded annually to an incoming fourth-year student who has financial need.

Established in 1985 through a bequest from Olive Wagner Wilt, Class of 1926, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s) based on financial need.

An established scholarship awarded to a worthy student from the sophomore, junior or senior class who is preparing for a church-related vocation.

Established in 1990 through a bequest from Nora E. Yost, Class of 1917, the scholarship is awarded to a deserving student.

Established in 2014 by Marlene Grossnickle Young ’76, H’14, P’09, and Michael S. Young P'09; Jennifer Young Ritter, M.S.’09, and Derek Ritter; Lauren and Steven Young; and George B. Delaplaine Jr., H’08, the scholarship is awarded annually to a student(s) pursuing a degree in business, education, music or the humanities, based upon financial need.

Established in 2010 through the estate of Helen Brown Young ’35 and W. Meredith Young, an emeritus member of the Hood College Board of Associates, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving student(s) based on financial need.

Established in 2022 by Virginia Hamilton Jago in memory of her mother, Carol McKee Hamilton Zehnacker, M.S.’84, the scholarship is awarded annually to an undergraduate female student majoring in business based upon financial need.

Established in 1984 through a bequest from the Raymond R. Zimmerman and Margaret Muehe Zimmerman, Class of 1922, Trust, the scholarship is awarded to a deserving student(s) in music.