Committees of the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees has seven standing committees and three subcommittees. Below are brief descriptions and rosters for each.

The Board of Trustees delegates to the Executive Committee the authority to exercise all powers and authority of the Board, if action is required between meetings and shall act on behalf of the Board on all matters except for the following, which shall be reserved for the Board as specified in the by-laws: award degrees, remove or elect the President, alter Bylaws, locate permanent buildings or appoint officers of the Board.

Recent Activities

The committee reviewed and recommended board approval on the following documents:

  • Annual goals for the Board and President
  • Annual evaluation of the President
  • Employment agreement for the President
  • Board Restructuring Plan
  • Revised Bylaws

Committee Roster

  • Tonya Finton, Chair
  • Susan Ganley, Vice Chair
  • Arthur Anderson
  • Philip Bowers
  • Cheryl Dreiling
  • Theresa Harrison
  • Michael Hosford
  • Tom Kleinhanzl
  • Eleanor Landauer
  • Anne Reaver

A subcommittee of the Executive Committee, the Compensation Subcommittee acts on behalf of the Board of Trustees to fulfill the Board’s oversight responsibilities for determining the adequacy and reasonableness of the total compensation paid to the President and other senior officers that the Committee determines are in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of the College.

Recent Activities

The subcommittee reviewed and recommended to the Executive Committee approval on:

  • The annual evaluation of the President
  • The annual review of the adequacy and reasonableness of compensation for the President and senior officers of the College.
  • The revision of the President’s employment agreement.

Committee Roster

  • Tonya Finton, Chair
  • Susan Ganley, Vice Chair
  • Cheryl Dreiling
  • Theresa Harrison
  • Tom Kleinhanzl

The Audit and Risk Management Committee for the Board of Trustees shall provide oversight of the financial practices, internal controls, fiscal management and standards of conduct employed by Hood College. This Committee is not a policymaking body. Instead, the Committee shall assist the full Board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities.

Recent Activities

The committee has engaged in strategic conversations focused on enterprise risk management. Additionally, the committee has engaged auditors, and reviewed and accepted the College audits for the fiscal year.

Committee Roster

  • Philip Bowers, Chair
  • Kathleen Weslock, Vice Chair
  • Arthur Anderson
  • Susan Audino
  • Veleka Peeples-Dyer
  • Jewel Smith
  • Charlotte Whitenight
  • Faculty Rep – Sang Kim (non-voting member)

The Enrollment Management and Marketing Committee is responsible for providing strategic oversight of the College’s enrollment management and marketing activities to achieve stated enrollment objectives and to expand and enhance the College’s brand.

Recent Activities

The committee has been engaged in strategic conversations focusing on strategic enrollment and marketing strategies including:

  • High school students, including national trends, college decisions, etc.
  • Micro-credentials
  • MARKETview partnership, including real-time data and context to enrollment analytics

Committee Roster

  • Anne Reaver, Chair
  • Charlotte Whitenight, Vice Chair
  • Cheryl Dreiling
  • Susan Gearey
  • Kathleen Weslock
  • Phillip Yerby
  • Faculty Rep – Alan Goldenbach (non-voting member)

The Finance and Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees shall be responsible for assuring the fiscal stability and long-term economic health of Hood College. Towards this end, the Committee shall ensure that the fiscal, human, physical (land and building), technology and equipment resources of the College are appropriately allocated to support the institution’s mission, goals and priorities.

Recent Activities

The newly created committee has combined the former Finance Committee and Facilities Committee. The committee will assure the fiscal stability and long-term economic health of the College through approval and monitoring of annual operating and capital budgets, facilities projects, the campus master plan and the housing master plan. Strategic conversations on enhancing the budget process and identifying alternative revenue sources will continue.

Committee Roster

  • Theresa Harrison, Chair
  • Matthew McGreevy, Vice Chair
  • Susan Audino
  • Philip Bowers
  • Michael Hosford
  • Lance Slaughter
  • Faculty Rep – Jerrold Van Winter (non-voting member)

A subcommittee of the Finance and Facilities Committee, the Investment Subcommittee of the Board of Trustees shall provide oversight and fiduciary responsibility of the College’s investment portfolio. Specifically, the Subcommittee shall choose an investment advisor, and work with that advisor to ensure that College’s investment strategy is sound, appropriate to market conditions, and supports the College’s mission, goals and priorities.

Recent Activities

The committee meets quarterly to review the College’s investment portfolio. During fiscal year 2023, the committee interviewed and selected a new endowment manager for the College.

Committee Roster

  • Michael Hosford, Chair
  • Lance Slaughter, Vice Chair
  • Theresa Harrison
  • Matthew McGreevy
  • Faculty Rep – Sara Malec (non-voting member)

The Institutional Advancement Committee shall provide strategic oversight for the College’s fundraising efforts. The committee will endorse and recommend to the Board of Trustees capital campaign initiatives. The committee will provide detailed reports on fundraising progress at regular meetings of the Board of Trustees. The Committee will identify relevant topics around fundraising for discussion at each committee meeting.

Recent Activities

The committee has focused efforts on the successful completion of the Forging the Future campaign. Strategic conversations on maintaining a culture of philanthropy will continue as the College begins planning for the next capital campaign.

Committee Roster

  • Eleanor Landauer, Chair
  • Susan Gearey, Vice Chair
  • Marylou Foley
  • Peggy Muncie
  • Veleka Peeples-Dyer
  • Phillip Yerby
  • Faculty Rep – Jennifer Cooper (non-voting member)

The Student Success Committee is responsible for ensuring achievement of the College’s mission for each student through assessment and strategic discussion of student learning, engagement, achievement and post-baccalaureate outcomes. The Student Success Committee strives to ensure a rewarding, supportive and healthy environment that fosters student academic success and ensures a positive college experience for all students.

Recent Activities

The newly formed Student Success Committee combines the former Student Life Committee and Academic Affairs Committee. The committee will continue strategic conversations focused on assuring a healthy student environment.

Committee Roster

  • Arthur Anderson, Chair
  • Peggy Muncie, Vice Chair
  • Jane Blocker
  • Manuel Casiano
  • Tom Kleinhanzl
  • Cathy Nace
  • Hamp Tisdale
  • Faculty Rep – Ann Stewart (non-voting member)

A subcommittee of the Student Success Committee, the Academic Matters Subcommittee has the responsibility to ensure that the College’s academic programs are consistent with the institution’s mission and strategies.

Recent Activities

A subcommittee of the Student Success Committee, the Academic Matters Subcommittee will oversee the academic review process, reviewing and approving new academic programs and discontinuing current academic programs. In addition, the subcommittee shall review and approve of all candidates for degrees, faculty promotions, grants of tenure and honorary degrees.

Committee Roster

  • Tom Kleinhanzl, Chair
  • Cathy Nace, Vice Chair
  • Jane Blocker
  • Hamp Tisdale
  • Faculty Rep – Megan Shaine (non-voting member)

The principal responsibilities of the Trusteeship and Governance Committee involve assembling a well-balanced board, training and organizing the talent represented on the board, assessing trustee performance, and inspiring board members to apply their individual strengths toward the higher collective good of the institution.

Recent Activities

The committee successfully recruited four new trustees to serve on the Board, reappointed six current trustees to continue service, and granted trustee emeritus status to three trustees concluding Board service. Additionally the committee facilitated the election of a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Board.

The committee continues strategic conversations to assure the necessary tools and processes required for successful recruitment and retention of trustees are utilized. New tools underway include a trustee statement of expectations and responsibilities, a trustee assessment survey, a trustee self-evaluation form and a trustee exit evaluation.

Committee Roster

  • Cheryl Dreiling, Chair
  • Manuel Casiano, Vice Chair
  • Marylou Foley
  • Eleanor Landauer
  • Anne Reaver
  • Jewel Smith